Thursday, 12 September 2013

Do you suffer from Nomophobia?

More then half the population now suffers from Nomophobia - the fear of being without a mobile phone, a new study suggests.

Women are more likely to feel the fear rather than men.

We are so attached to our phones that a fifth of us take them to bed to check emails and texts and nearly half take them on holiday - even to the beach....

A couple of months ago I lost my mobile phone and I actually felt lost without it which was a shock to me.....I only used my mobile to phone my dad and Stu, send the odd text...maybe about 10 a week and for an alarm clock....I don't use it for the internet, check emails or to play games but I did feel lost without it.....

I think I went 5 days without a mobile phone and it was horrible....I felt like I was missing out on something even though I really wasn't.....It was such a relief to get a new phone!

So yes I suffer from Nomophobia....

Do you? 


  1. No I hate mobiles. My last phone was turned off and left in the drawer for four years, no kidding!!! I did a post about getting my latest phone because I had had to use a phone box to call Mr Kitten which he thought was hilarious, but I honestly can't remember the last time I switched it on. It was definitely before I got my IPad last Xmas and even then I only used it to read emails. I'm addicted to my IPad so I must suffer from Ipaphobia. I'd be lost without my IPad.

    1. Wow!! Now a days I thought everyone had a mobile phone..Well done you for not using one...hahaha at Ipaphobia :)

  2. I totally have this! If it's not near me at all times I feel on edge, it's not good! x

    1. I don't need mine near me....I just need to know I have one I

  3. thats me!! i take mine on holiday, to bed and have been knocked to check my social media before getting my 2nd eye open in a morning!

  4. I don't think I do but I'm sure my family would disagree! My mum used to moan about it but now is pleased my iphone is pretty much always to hand as she likes to be able to check in on me and make sure I'm ok (I suffer with chronic migraines and vertigo).

    *Sometimes* I even use it as a phone but I do use the maps and weather and photo apps a lot more; & the dreaded Candy Crush Saga while I'm bored in doctors waiting rooms :)

    1. My phone isn't clever enough for all the apps sometimes do wish I could get Candy Crush on it

  5. I did not know there was a word for it!
    I'm not a fan of mobiles I feel naked without it if I'm out but at home - well I've been known to phone it because I've misplaced it lol

  6. Yes most definitely! I don't know what I'd do without mine - sad really isn't it!

    1. It is sad that a little bit of plastic controls

  7. Okay I confess I'm a nomophobe ;-)

  8. OK, confession time...I don't own a mobile phone!!! I think this stems from years of doing a really stressful job where I was expected to be available around the clock. The chance to escape and know that no one's going to bother me is something I cherish!

    1. Good on you for not having one...Must be so nice knowing that no one can bother you x

  9. My names Julie and I have Nomophobia and infomania (google it)

    I have to have a spare phone, no really.

  10. I'm with the vintage kitten - I think mobile phones are the curse of the 21st century! The other night I was sitting in a pub where there was live music playing. Four youngsters were sitting at the next table, each with a mobile phone in their hands texting. They paid no attention whatsoever to the music or to each other, other than when one got up to go to the loo or to buy another round of drinks. Madness!

    1. That is annoying!! I went to see Bon Jovi and there was a girl in front of me messing about with her mobile right through the whole concert....She wasn't even facing towards the stage!! Crazy!!

  11. I didn't know there was a word for it but i sure do have it! I NEVER go anywhere without my phone holidays and bed included although I do use it as an alarm clock (not sure if that's just a excuse though!)

    1. I use mine for an alarm clock too....Is annoying on a weekend when I get a text or call from a cold caller!! Grrr!!
