Monday, 9 September 2013

Eleven years ago.... #MagicMoments

This time eleven years ago I was about to embark on one of the biggest challenges of my life.....

This time eleven years ago I was terrified!!.....

I'd only ever been in hospital to have my appendix out and it was so rushed as it was about to burst I never had chance to really think about it so there was no fear!!

This time eleven years ago I was preparing myself to go into hospital and have a cesarean section....

To become a mother for the first time!!!!

I knew nothing about babies....I did childcare at college but that was just dealing with little one's when they could walk, talk and do things for themselves....Babies were a whole different thing!!

This time eleven years ago I was out shopping buying the last of things I needed for a baby!! Even though I'd bought everything weeks before but was convinced I'd forgotten something!! I was panic

I had packed my bag to go to hospital weeks before and spent the afternoon eleven years ago unpacking and packing it convinced I'd packed to much then worrying whether I had enough....

I was terrified!!

But every second of fear was worth it!

Becky was born 10th of September 2002!


  1. That's a lovely Magic Moment. I'd never been in hospital at all before Monkey was born, and was terrified when I was on the verge of an emergency c-section. Luckily forceps did the job - but one more failed push and they were all ready to cut me open!

    1. Ohh my! How scary but well done the
      Thank you x

  2. How lovely-I think every woman does that with their hospital bag and buying with the first child, second time around I was much less panicked! x

  3. Wow - time flies...I cannot believe it how much Peanut changes every day :-)I still remember the magic moment of seeing him for the first time!

    1. Aww! They do change and grow up so quickly!!
      Enjoy every moment! It flies over x

  4. A great post and a lovely magic moment!

  5. Awww that's a lovely post. :-)

  6. I was scared of going to hospital too, and did end up having and emergency c-section. Oh, and I remember packing and unpacking my hospital bag as well. This really is a lovely moment!

    1. Aww! An emergency c-section must of been so scary!
      Thank you x

  7. It certainly is the most amazing magic moment Kim. What a lovely post, I smiled throughout reading it and then seeing the picture of you both at the end, I smiled even more. Happy Birthday to Becky xx

  8. Aww how lovely - hope she has a great day tomorrow. And are you ready for the next journey of moving schools or do you not do that in year 7 by you?

    1. Yes she'll be going up to the high school this time next year!! Eek! I'm so scared! lol
      Thank you x

  9. Fabulous #MagicMoment! I know exactly how you felt, I had no clue about babies either and my son is 19 on 11th. Happy Birthday to Becky :-)

    1. hahaha Glad I'm not the only one who didn't have a
      Thank you x

  10. Lovely post! I was 11 days overdue with my it was less panic and more hurry up by that stage! Although, I ended up with an emergency c-section - the elective option is definitely a bit less scary :) Happy birthday to Becky xx

    1. Ohh yes elective is the best option...Must of been so scary having an emergency one!!
      Thank you x

  11. How amazing...doesn't time fly...but I bet it only feels like yesterday x

    1. It's does! Really does not seem like 11
      Thank you x

  12. Kim what a lovely post and happy birthday Becky!! i personally think that becoming a mum is once massive #MagicMoment .. thanks for linking up x

    1. Thank you fro hosting!! I already have next weeks post planned...hehehe

  13. really lovely post, I hope you daughter had a fab birthday xx

  14. A planned c-section must be such a different experience. I'm sure I would also be freaking out, you can only prepare so much for an unknown delivery date. A fantastic magic moment, you looked really good after going through the surgery.
