Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Walking home....

There has always been after school clubs at the girls school.....Cookery, dance, football and Art club which I can think of. 

When Ellie was a baby and in nursery in the mornings Becky could and would take part in these clubs but when Ellie started full time school two years ago Becky stopped taking part because I couldn't expect Ellie to walk home from school at 3pm then spend 20 minutes at home and walk back to pick Becky up at 4pm....It was just too tiring for her!!

Now the new school year is in full swing the after school clubs have started up again and the letters were sent out...

Cookery for Year 5 & 6 and Art for Year 2 and 3.....

Both Becky and Ellie wanted to take part so I made the decision to let them!! 

Ellie's Art Club started on Thursday and that's where she made the Minion in my Silent Sunday photo.....hehehe

A big moment for Becky and I! I cut the apron strings so to speak and I let her walk the 15 minutes home from school herself as I wasn't picking Ellie up from school until 4pm!! 

Becky does not have a problem understanding road safety.....She is very sensible and there is only one busy road to cross which has a pedestrian crossing on....It's me who has the problem....It's a case that I'm a tad over protective sometimes....

At 3pm I was sat here stressing.....I was thinking she'll leave school at a certain point by 5 past....crossing the main road now and should be at a certain point by now....She came waltzing in the door at quarter past three with not a care in the world....

I was so proud of her for doing the walk alone and quite proud of myself for letting her...I know some of children in her class have been walking to and from school for the last year but I didn't feel comfortable with it until now.....I'm still not 100% comfortable with it but I'm getting there...

So on Monday it was Becky's Cookery Club and she walked home herself again....I'm so proud of her!! She thought it was brilliant! She had 2 cupcakes to bring home....She ate them on the! That's my girl...hehehe

I am linking up with the wonderful Jane at Ethans Escapades and her Small Steps Amazing Achievements linky!!

Ethans Escapades


  1. What a lovely achievement. I know I am the same with my daughter it is difficult to let go and be more independent. Well done for getting to that stage x

  2. Hi hun. I know how you feel about the walking home alone thing. I too live in Northumberland and just remind myself that my son is middle school age and is too cool for me to pick him up. Hope you feel better about it soon x

    1. Yay another Northumbrian...hehehe
      Becky is too cool to walk with me..Even on days I do pick her up she walks a few feet ahead as it's not cool to walk with

  3. Encouraging responsibility and independence and giving kids trust is so important and a part of growing up. Well done to her and you.

  4. That really is such a big achievement for both of you! It's great that you live somewhere she can be safe walking home from. Well done to both of you. ;)

  5. Fab achievement , I keep thinking about when I should let my kids walk somewhere by themselves x

  6. Well done Becky! I will be so nervous the first time I let E do it but that is a while off yet thankfully!

  7. That's really brilliant - I'm dreading the day that I have to let my oldest start doing things like that, but I know I will and i know he'll be fine - but it's hard!

  8. What a brilliant achievement!I'll be a nervous wreck the day Mini reaches this stage-so great to see their flourishing independence though!

  9. What a huge but brilliant step to independence! Well done x

  10. I think this really is an achievement for you both, I would have been so stressed with worry. Getting independence is such a big step, bore for us mums I think ;0)

    Thanks for linking up with Small Steps Amazing Achievements

  11. Wll done to you both, I can't imagine ever letting my eldest walk home n her own but I now I'll have to eventually! Like your daughter, she'll have busy roads (but two) both with crossing patrol men though.
