Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Back to School....

Ahhh the kids go back to school today.....

I think this is the first time in few of years I haven't been stressing....

Last year was Ellie going into Year 1.....Into proper school away from the security of her little bubble which was reception class....Queuing up to go into school with the big kids....Having to do proper school work and playing out at playtime with the big kids....

The year before she started reception class....The first time being in school for a full day.....Away from me all day!!

The year before she was starting nursery.....The first time away from me....

Today Ellie goes into Year 2 and Becky goes into Year 6!!

Nothing really special about starting these years....They're both used to school....I'm used to them being at school...

This time next year I will be an emotional wreck!! Becky will be starting High school // Secondary school whatever you want to call it.....It will go back to one of my babies having to go to school with kids much older and bigger then her.....A massive school to find her way around and such a different environment then the primary school she is in now...But I have a year before that happens....

I'm going to enjoy this school year and make the most of having both of my girls at the same school because next time it will happen is when Ellie goes to the high school....She'll be starting Year 7 and Becky starting Year 11!! Eek!! Then I'll have the worry Ellie being one of the youngest in the school and Becky taking her GCSE's and leaving school....

Good luck to all the little one's starting school and the little big ones starting high school and the even bigger one's starting college....


  1. I'm glad you aren't feeling too stressed! Sophie starts pre-school on Thursday and I am sure to be a nervous wreck even though its only for 2 mornings per week!

  2. How cute do they look! We start at the School Nursery tomorrow. He was at a different pre-school last year, but now he'll be in proper uniform - I am going to cry in the morning for sure. Don't think he'll be too great being left either - preparing myself for a stressful few weeks ahead.

    1. Aww! I cried when my two started nursery then reception class....
      Hugs! Hope it does ok! x

  3. In a few years you will be worrying about the boys comming round and fighting them off with a big stick. You will never stop worrying about them even when they are adults.

    1. hahaha! Too true! Trying not to think about that...lol

  4. What a gorgeous photo of them in their uniform. I hope they have a great term! x

  5. Replies
    1. They had a great time! They both love school x

  6. Hope they have a lovely first day back! I can't wait to take traditional first day photos! x x

    1. They had a fab time! They love school so that helps :) x

  7. I'm dreading Minxy starting secondary school, they grow up too quickly! x

    1. They do!! I just know I'm going to stress so much next year...lol
