Saturday, 15 September 2018

Another birthday and lots of food. Week 37 of #Project365

The kids have had their first full week back at school and they have both settled in well....I feel like we are back in the swing of things...When Friday came around we were still tired and ready for the weekend but not as tired as last

Now for a photo for every day....

251/365 - 8th September
Domino's for tea! We were supposed to have a day out for the start of Becky's birthday celebrations but after the first few days of school we wanted a lazy weekend. I let Becky choose the takeaway. Of course she had to go for the most expensive. 

252/365 - 9th September
I finished wrapping the last of Becky's birthday presents which I had bought on Sunday and put them out for her to open the next day....

253/365 - 10th September
My girl turned 16! She had a fab birthday despite having to go to school.

254/365 - 11th September
Angel Delight is such a treat. I was a bit surprised when I made the chocolate one. It was mint chocolate flavour! I'd never tried it before. It was good!

255/365 - 12th September
Stu went out to get a couple of things from Asda and saw this on sale for £1.50. He knows I like a novelty mug and what's better than a pineapple one! 

256/365 - 13th September
Ellie always plays with her food and this is what she created with an after school snack. lol

257/365 - 14th September
I got the shopping delivered early just so I could have some fresh danish pastries for breakfast. 


  1. Happy birthday to your biggest girl! Glad she had a lovely day. Birthdays on school days can sometimes be a big disappointing! Love your mug - what a bargain!

  2. Happy birthday to Becky! I bet she had a blast, opening all those presents. Love your pineapple mug.
    We also had a Domino's takeaway last week, though we tend to order only pizza. Danish for breakfast sounds great.

  3. Looks like it's been a yummy food week, and what a lot of presents, lucky Becky

  4. I really like your Babybel man

  5. Hope she had a lovely birthday. Lots of nice food this week.

  6. Happy belated birthday Becky. Most takeaway food is expensive but pizza more so than others, but nice for a treat.
    We always got instant whip as kids as one packet went further than angel delight

  7. Hope she had a great birthday. I love angel delight. Mint choc was always my favourite as a child

  8. Your pictures always make me feel hungry! You've had lots of celebrations lately, I hope you all hada great time.

  9. You have such a happy family. Love visiting you and seeing what you've been up to. Love the pineapple mug. #MMBC

  10. Love Danish pastries!! Hope a wonderful 16th birthday was enjoyed by all #365

  11. I hope she had an amazing birthday! We love Angel Delight so will look out for the mint one #project365
