Thursday, 6 September 2018

A brilliant birthday BBQ....

It was Ellie's birthday last week and she had her heart set on having a BBQ.....For the week running up to her birthday the weather wasn't great. It was grey, windy and a little wet. I was worried that the BBQ just wasn't going to happen....Nothing was going to convince her not to have a BBQ so I just gave up and found the umbrellas just in case....

It turns out we didn't need the umbrellas or even a cardigan because the weather was perfect! It was warm, dry and not too windy.....Hooray! 

I bought the food from Tesco and had it delivered the day before her birthday and we got a big disposable BBQ from Wilkos for a couple of pounds and it was fantastic and two little one's from Poundland which were not actually that great. All they were good for was keeping the food warm.

We had burgers, sausages, corn on the cob and chicken, pepper, tomatoes and pineapple kebabs which worked out so well....

The kids had fantastic fun helping to cook the food....It's the first time we've really let them help with the cooking on the BBQ.....They did great! Ellie was slightly wary of the heat coming from the BBQ but she was careful...

We stuffed ourselves silly and then ate more to be sure we were really For once I bought just the right amount of food....There wasn't much which went to waste and what was left was eaten the next day!

When we had just about finished I got the big marshmallows out and the kids roasted a few....It was another thing that we could tick off our summer bucket list too....

Ellie had the best birthday and we all had such a good feed. hehehe 


  1. Oh so glad the weather held out! It seems like it will be autumn before we know it.

  2. So so glad that the weather behaved for Ellie's birthday BBQ! All of that food looks so yummy. 😋 Our babies need to stop growing up so fast! x
