Saturday, 29 September 2018

A photo every day for a year! Week 39 of #Project365

I was having a good week then I came down with a stinking cold yesterday. Ugh! I am all woe is me at the moment and I am blaming Ellie my youngest. She is also full of cold and has obviously shared her germs with me. When she is full of cold she never seems to feel poorly though. She snots and sneezes without the aching, headaches and shivers. 

Anyway, now for a photo every day.

A little toy dog my youngest had decorated and a pile of hair on the floor from a trim
a beanie which is beans wrapped in sausage meat and then deep fried
a pretty pink sky and the Sudocrem recovery cream tube
a bowl of spaghetti bolognese and garlic bread and a box of the oreo white chocolate biscuts

265/365 - 22nd September
I won a set of the Fuzzikins Dozy Dogs and Ellie got around to colouring them in on Saturday. They are rather cute.

266/365 - 23rd September
I trimmed the kids hairs. I am not a hairdresser but I am capable of giving them a trim. I cut more off my teens hair than I had planned to. She was not amused but there is still plenty left. lol

267/365 - 24th September
I made Beanies. Baked beans, wrapped in sausage meat and covered in batter then deep fried. Hardly any one seems to have heard of them but they were popular when I was a kid here in the North East and now I have only ever found them at one chip shop nearby.

268/365 - 25th September
Where we live is surrounded by houses and I hardly ever notice pretty skies but on Tuesday the pink of it was shining through the blinds and I had to go out and take a look. It was so pretty.

269/365 - 26th September
I have been trying out Sudocrem’s new Skin Recovery Cream this past week and I like it. I took the photos on Wednesday.

270/365 - 27th September
Spaghetti bolognese and garlic bread for tea. It was out of the freezer from a batch I made a few weeks ago. I nice easy tea to make.

271/365 - 28th September
I had planned on hiding these white chocolate covered oreo's away from the kids but I forgot and they spotted them as soon as they came in from school. Oops. I made them do all of their jobs before they got one. hehehe


  1. Sorry to hear Ellie and you have a cold, hope you are better soon. The Dozy Dog looks cute. And aren't you an "evil" Mum, cutting your teen's hair short?! :) Never heard of Beanies, maybe this is a Northern speciality? White Oreos look tasty, we love Oreos, will be looking for them in the shops.

    1. Ellie is on the mend, I'm still full of it and Becky has it now. Oh joy.
      Ahh! I was the evilist of all the evils for cutting her hair too short. lol x

  2. You've my sympathy, I've got a stinking cold too. Cheesed off with it already and so is Himself who is keeping out of my way!
    Spag bol looks good, you give everyone a lot more sauce than I do.

  3. Wow those beanies sound amazing. Not sure about the deep frying, wonder if you could breadcrumb cover instead and bake.

    1. Breadcrumbs would work too. I think the only reason I like them deep fried is because of the childhood memories. x

  4. I've never heard of beanies before! I think my daughter would love them! My daughter would not be happy if we cut too much of her hair off. She's never been to the hairdresser in her life, we always trim it at home!
    Good idea to get the kids to do jobs in return for the Oreos.
    Hope you feel better soon. x

  5. Nothing wrong with a good home trim, I begrudge the money they charge.
    Seriously only 1 oreo each??? but quite right to get them to earn will need to be quicker at hiding them next time. I use to do the same with jaffa cakes, I each to the 5 kids out of a box of 12 and the rest were mine.

  6. I’ve never heard of beanies either but they sound very nice! Hope you’re all feeling better soon. We have lots of germs going round our house at the moment and I feel like I might be coming down with it x

  7. Hope everyone is feeling better now. I can't stand Oreo's even though they do like nice

  8. Can't beat spaghetti bolognese, especially if it's just a reheat job. #365

  9. Hope you shift the colds soon. I've never heard of beanies either. That was careless about the oreos - bet you were gutted you hadn't put them away.

  10. I love filling my freezer with batch cooking and knowing I have healthy meals for the kids whenever I need them! Bolognese is one of our favourites #project365
