Monday, 3 September 2018

Getting back into a routine. #MealPlanningMonday

Last weeks meal plan went really well....Better than well! The sun shined bright for Ellie's birthday BBQ and she had a great day....

We ate most of the meals that I had planned....We didn't end up getting fish & chips from the chip shop on our way home from Alnwick castle we just wanted to get in and sit down....I ended up having toast with some fancy jam's I'd got from the gift shop....Peach & Prosecco Bellini jam and some Marmalade with Gin. Oh wow! They were amazing! I have found out where to buy them and will be getting more. hehehe We swapped a couple of meals around....We had great fun making the pizza on Saturday.

My fella is back to work today after a couple of weeks holiday. He is not looking forward to the early start and this week see's the kids going back to school. Ellie on Tuesday and Becky on Wednesday. They have the year 7's go in a day early so they can get used to the school...It will be strange them being in the same school again, Ellie will be in year 7 and Becky in year 11. Eek!

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - McDonalds. One last treat before school starts.
TuesdaySausage casserole, mash & veg....
Wednesday - Corned beef pie, mash & baked beans....
ThursdayFish Chargrilled With Tomato And Herb with egg fried rice. (It sounds fancy but it's the Birds Eye Inspiration one's)
Friday - Pizza....
Saturday - I am not too sure yet. We might be going out for the day. Starting Becky's birthday celebrations early....

I am joining in with the linky hosted by The Organised Life Project and Katykicker. They love to meal plan too!


  1. Sounds like a great plan - good luck with getting the girls back to school :)

  2. Marmalade with Gin! That sounds wonderful! Glad you have found out where to get more.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  3. Inspired by your sausage casserole today and have it in the oven right now. My three are back this week. My son starts year 7 too, but they only have them in for one hour early before the rest of the school descends on them, then its back to the routine again. I will be organized this year. I will meal plan :) . #MMBC

  4. love the birds eye fish i often do it as a quick and tasty meal. x

  5. Love that you included the McDonald's and Pizza. I can't wait to try and make the Fish and Stew. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Sounds delicious! I hope the first few days back at school have gone ok for you :)

  7. Sounds like a delicious week - I hope you get back on track well! Wish I had a mcDonalds now!

    Thanks for linking up - from next week it's just be running the linky x
