Wednesday, 1 May 2013

20 adventures to do before they're 16!!

 Child-development experts say adventures with their parents are crucial. Children who share outdoor adventures with their parents are better socialised, less stressed, and better problem-solvers....I agree!!

Outdoor adventures are a great way to bond with your kids!!

Here are the 20 adventures the experts recommend every child should share with their parents before they are 16....

1 Make a natural shelter — and sleep in it - make a den from wood and leaves and sleep under the stars. I did it as a child but don't think I would with my two....Nowhere I can think of near me that would be safe enough...

2 Cook on an open fire - toast marshmallows, bake potatoes and enjoy an outdoor bonfire feast. My two have done this!!

3 Make a go-kart - and then test drive it! Becky has Ellie has yet to do it...
4 Use a sharp knife - teach children how to handle a sharp knife carefully and safely. Teach them how to handle it correctly. No, no, no....Not yet....I like my kids with

5 Climb a tree - something we all used to do as a child but our children perhaps do less often. My two have and loved it...
6 Make a mud pit - all kids LOVE mud - make a muddy corner of the garden for them to squelch, squish and play in. Yep...Both mine have...Ellie made her own mudpit when I left the hosepipe
7 Get soaked to the skin - obviously not in freezing weather! But it feels so fab to really get soaked to the skin. Yes...A hot day at the beach there was a summer thunder storm...Got soaked but soon dried out!
8 Dam a stream - pick stones and pebbles and sticks and mud to dam a stream. Becky has...I'm sure Ellie will by the time she's 16!
9 Read a map - whether it's orienteering, a road map or a simple drawn map - let them find their way. Ellie is a bit young yet but Becky has before....
10 Track a wild animal - Early morning and early evening are the best times to try to follow animal tracks. Nope! Not many wild animals near us unless rats count!

11 Climb a mountain Nope...Not many mountains near us...
12 Skinny-dipping/ wild swimming If in the sea counts...Yes both my girls have! 
13 A bonding weekend with one parent Nope
14 Learn basic first aid Becky has really basic idea about first aid....Ellie thinks everything can be fixed with a
15 Learn to sail Not yet..
16 Build something out of wood Becky has....Time yet for Ellie...
17 Grow your own dinner - start with herbs and easy things like tomatoes and cucumber. Grow carrots, potatoes and berries...We're planning on growing things over the next few months...
18 A night picnic - Darkness can make the most otherwise mundane activities exciting Sounds like fun..May have to give this one a try!!

19 Learn to walk a tightrope - start with a kerb then try a low rope Ellie would love to do this....She is always balancing on the kerb...
20 Make a Mentos and Coke rocket - unleash the scientist in your children The girls will do this even if it's only for my amusement...

Have you done any of these with your children?

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. I think I can tick off all bar 2 or 3 depending on the child, a night away with one parent is the hardest for us with 6 children! Great kist though. Where does the lest come from? It's very like the 50 things from the National Trust for under 12s. I would love you to link to my Country Kids linky with this one.

  2. I found the list on MumsNet!! It is a great list :)

    1. Thanks for the link I will go and take a look, thanks for linking up too. Linky is every Saturday to Thursday if you have another outdoor fun to link.

    2. You're welcome :)
      Yes may join in now the weather is getting better and we're out and about more! Thanks :)
