I order the shopping.....I love ordering treats for the weekend!
Friday is Coffee morning day....It used to be a group of us mum's
getting together at the school and having a cuppa and a chat....The
school got fussy about us being there....Now we have coffee at my friends house....It's
so relaxed now no asking permission to use the toilet....It's a great way to
start the day/weekend!!
I wake up on a Friday morning and realise that I potentially could get 2 lie in's past 7am....Well as long as the kids stay in bed.....The thing with Becky & Ellie during the week I have to drag them out of bed for school at 7.30am on a weekend they will quite happily get up Ohh before 6am!! When I was a teenager I classed anything after dinner time a lie in....Now I'll settle for anything after 8am!!
Stu always has a Friday off work so it is such a relaxing day for me. hehehe I get help with the housework and he comes on the school run which Ellie loves.
It's the best night on TV! For me it is anyway! All the soaps....Hollyoaks, Emmerdale, Corrie, Eastenders Corrie again then usually
something good on CH4 at 9pm
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