We were lucky enough to be sent a copy of Gorgeous George & The Giant Geriatric Generator Review by the people at My Little Big Town!!
Becky my 10 year loves reading....She would quite happily sit and read all day if she had the chance....
Author: Stuart Reid
Illustrator: Calvin Innes
RRP: £7.99 (paperback)
Reading Age: 9+
Pages: 288
Illustrator: Calvin Innes
RRP: £7.99 (paperback)
Reading Age: 9+
Pages: 288
So what's it about?
A young boy and his young-at-heart grandpa take on the evil Mr Watt and his power plant after the old people in town begin to go missing. Bums, bogies, farts and all of the silly, disgusting stuff that young children, especially boys, enjoy. Deals with the themes of renewable energy, recycling and sustainability, in a humorous and entertaining way.
What Becky thought...
As soon as bums, bogies & farts were mentioned there was no stopping her....It did take her a while to read it but she did read it from cover to cover and she thoroughly enjoyed it....She said 'it was sooooo funny but a little scary in places but then sooooo funny, it's the best book ever'!
What I thought...
Yes I've skimmed through it....I had to after seeing Becky sniggering at it so much...It is a slightly crude but in a fun way....I'd say it's aimed at boys but equally as funny for girls....It is really easy to read as it is set out in simple paragraphs....It is also beautifully illustrated....
I'd say if your child likes reading get this book for them and if they are not to keen on reading this could be the book to encourage them to start and as an adult I could quite happily sit down and read this...Definitely would have me giggling to myself
This book was sent to me free of charge to review. All thoughts and opinions are my own...
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