Thursday, 28 February 2013

Worlds worst Sea-Saw!!

We haven't been to the park in a while....With all the bad weather we've not been able to....So after school yesterday we decided to go for half an hour....It's on the way home so why not!

Walking in we saw there was a new Sea-Saw...Yay!!

Only problem was that it must of been built for children of giants or children with really long

When they were sat on it (Becky could get on Ellie needed to be lifted on) Becky's feet were at least a foot from the ground....My children are not small for their age....5 & 10!! Stu and I got on and it was the perfect size for us...I'm 5ft

So I ask you what is the point of a sea-saw that tall??
Especially when the rest of the playground is meant for smaller children.... 

I've emailed the local council asking them basically what were they thinking....I shall await their reply... 

1 comment :

  1. Whatever happened to the old fashioned see saw. I bet the council spent a fortune on that one too! (Popping over from Britmums MBPW) x
