Saturday, 16 February 2013

It's been a funny old week....

Monday started with Ellie home from school with a temperature and a snotty nose, sore throat, & a headache...She had been coming down with it all weekend.....Becky came home from school Monday and said she was poorly...

The same as Ellie!....She had no tea and slept on and off for the rest of the day....Tuesday they were both off school....Calpol was my best friend....I have watched so much kids tv....Ohh and did end up watching High School Musical two for the first time....Not as good as the first 

Ellie was slightly better and by Wednesday was back at school....Yay!! Thursday came and Becky was back at school....Didn't think they were both going to make it back to school at all this week....They are fine now!!

They did manage some pancakes on Tuesday....Not quite as many as me though....I made a complete pig of myself and had 6! Eeek!

Valentines day.....Stu and I were not doing gifts and cards and wished I hadn't suggested it.....I was feeling rather down in the dumps seeing all the messages on Facebook and Twitter but the comping fairy scattered her lucky dust and I won 3 different competitions....Some Lush massage bars, a body lotion set & a mystery prize off a beauty blogging site which I cannot wait to get!! Then the Postman came and brought me a £20 gift card for Superdrug I'd won off Cheeky Bingo on Twitter....Some lipstick and some Vanish vanish Oxi Action to review for BzzAgent which so far I'm very impressed with.....All of that certainly cheered me up!! Hope my luck can continue....

Friday came along and it was the school disco which I volunteered to help with....I was set the job of selling the crisps....OMG!! My head was aching when I came out of school.....I heard Gangnam Style several times and put that with a hundred odd screaming shouting kids no wonder I had a bad head!! The kids in the school were so funny though.....Coming asking how much the crisps were I said '20 pence' and they kept going to walk away saying they only had fifty We do have change....Bless them!! My two looked like they were having a great time....Ellie dancing with 'her boys' and Becky stuffing her face with sweets and crisps....

It's been a strange old week....Next week will be busy too...Ellie has an hospital appointment on Monday in Newcastle which will end in a trip to McDonalds, Primark & a new shop I've heard of Yankee Doodle Candy which sells sweets from America!! & Becky has a sleepover....Then we have the rest of half term to deal with....Ohh the joys!!

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