Friday, 4 November 2016

I do love this time of year. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

I do love this time of year.....There is so much going on.

Over the weekend we had our Halloween party tea and on Monday the girls got dressed up and went trick or treating with my fella....They had fantastic fun and people were very generous handing out sweets and treats. The girls filled their buckets and I'm glad to say they still have some left.....

I stayed home to sort out tea and was expecting people to knock here but we didn't have anyone. I have been eating the Haribo I bought. Shh! No one tell my girls. hehehe

We're not planning to do anything for Bonfire night....I don't like fireworks....Considering Ellie is deaf in one ear she hates the noise, they really seem to bother her and Becky doesn't like the cold....So we will be staying in the warm watching X-Factor.

Now it's November we are allowed to talk about Christmas....After I took the Halloween decorations down I was tempted to put the Christmas one's up....I know, it's too soon.....It hasn't stopped me listening to Christmas songs though. Heart music channel on Sky has changed to Heart Xmas and I love it.

I have had a bit of drama with Amazon....Not the site the delivery people.....They seem to think that a flat over the road is where I live.....They keep trying to deliver my parcels there. A driver knocked here asking me to take in a parcel for over the road....He said the house number and I said that is me! He didn't believe me at first but my neighbour got involved and I was given my parcel.....Since then my other neighbour has given me a parcel which was delivered to their house....What is wrong with delivery people. Can they not count! lol I have ordered some of those number stickers you put on your wheelie bin....They will be going on my front door.....It should stop the confusion. lol 

We have had a lot of Christmas presents delivered this week....It's got to the point now where I seem to be ordering two of everything. One for Becky and one for Ellie...It should stop the bickering on Christmas day....hehehe 


  1. Glad that the girls have managed to keep some of the sweets still - looks like they got a good haul when trick or treating! We'll be staying in as well tomorrow night and watching Strictly - Jessica's not a fan of loud bangs and I'm not sure she'd cope very well with fireworks. We might get to see some from our house though. The delivery thing sounds very frustrating. I love Christmas music too and have found an internet radio station that plays Christmas music all year round - was perfect for our Christmassy photoshoot back in September! We often get parcels for a house around the corner and I can never understand why the delivery drivers always seem to think our house is the correct address. We have the same house number but it's a completely different road! Hope the number stickers help solve the problem for you. #WotW

    1. They had such a great haul of sweets...They still have some left. I can't see them lasting much longer though. lol
      It is so frustrating with the deliveries. The number arrived today so I'm just waiting for it to stop raining to put it on the door....
      Thank you!

  2. It is all go at this time of year, isn't it? My two are looking forward to Bonfire Night tomorrow, too. Oh, I have so many parcels arriving - that wrong address thing would wind me up! Sounds like you have a plan so hope that that sorts it for you x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. It is all go....
      Yes, I have so many parcels arriving too. It really isn't the best time of the year for delivery people to be confused.
      Thank you!

  3. We had a few people at the door for Halloween but not many. My sons a bit old now for trick and treating. We stay in for the fireworks for the dog. How annoying about the parcels

    1. I thought my teen wouldn't want to go this year but she was still up for it. hehehe
      Thank you!

  4. We had loads of visitors for Halloween. My kids are not keen on sweets but they love to join in. When I first moved in I had a lot of trouble with grocery entire food shop was being delivered to the wrong house. What's worse is that they were accepting it! I got my money back every time but it still meant I had no food. Thankfully it's got better now, so I hope your delivery problem improves too.

    1. Oh gosh! That is shocking about the grocery deliveries. How cheeky people were accepting them. I hope the supermarket chased them up on it. Eesh!
      Thank you!

  5. That is a mighty collection! You have to go with what you feel you are happiest with.
    That delivery sounds a right pain. Eek, you making me nervous with all the talk about Christmas, though I have brought myself some Christmas socks and Christmas props does that count towards Christmas shopping ;) X #WOTW

    1. Oh yes! Of course that counts towards Christmas shopping....hehehe
      Thank you!

  6. How infuriating with all the misdelivering. They have a job finding us too. If I met them on the road, they still have to walk up the drive so that their gadget clocks they've delivered to the right place. Makes for a few strange conversations. #wotw

    1. It is so frustrating, especially at this time of year....Thinking about it I think they are just rushing and not concentrating on where they're going.
      Thank you!

  7. How peculiar with the deliveries. Delivery men/people seem to be a law unto themselves Hope the stickers sort it. #wotw

    1. They really are....
      The sticker arrived today....I'm just waiting for it to stop raining to put it on the door :D x

  8. Oh no that is rubbish about your parcels, how annoying for you! I'm looking forward to decorating the house year I have to admit and getting a real tree again :) Popping over from #WotW

    1. It is very annoying about the parcels.
      Ohh! I really want a real tree but they seem like so much faff.

  9. We are the opposite in our house, we don't do Halloween as neither of my two are fans. They get upset by the constant knocking at the door and it causes meltdowns, so I put a No Trick or Treat sign up :) we do like Bonfire Night though, and we had a few fizz and pop fireworks in the garden and glo sticks :D The parcel problem would really annoy me!I hope putting the numbers on the door helps :)

  10. Ah that is sooo frustrating. The delivery people will soon learn. Sounds like you are on top of your festive preparation. I haven't the foggiest what to get people this year except my babies. #WotW

  11. Great costumes - glad the kids had fun at Halloween. I have to buy two of everything for my boys to stop the fights too, but I haven't started for this Christmas yet. I'm quite behind really! #WotW
