Friday, 25 November 2016

I feel so special. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is 

That's how I was made to feel this week....

My birthday celebrations started early. Last weekend I had a few presents early, a long soak in the bath and a Chinese takeaway....It was so lovely. 

It was my birthday on Monday and I had such an amazing day. I went out for breakfast with friends, I had a lot of presents, a lazy afternoon in my pj's watching a DVD and I now have enough bottles of wine to keep me going for weeks....hehehe

The lovely Jayne who blogs over at Sticky Mud & Belly Laughs made me cry.....She sent me a card and that was all I was expecting but on Monday afternoon a beautiful bunch of flowers arrived....I cried and can't thank her enough. I have had flowers bought for me before and I've bought my self them but never had a proper unexpected delivery. It was so thoughtful and I am so thankful.... 

Even though I didn't do anything fancy it was a special few days. The best birthday I have had for years....I was spoilt rotten and I am so grateful to my family and my wonderful friends. All the birthday wishes blew me away. Thank you!

In other news

I have been banned from Christmas shopping...hehehe I think I have got a bit carried away with spoiling the girls but they are only young once....It's Black Friday today and if I see a bargain I cannot be held responsible for more spending....

I did get a fantastic present for Becky this week....It's a bit of a joke one but I know she will love it. 

Since Becky was about 4 years old she has always wanted a foot spa....This is the year is the year that her dreams will come I can't wait to see her face....I have a feeling she will roll her eyes and laugh but absolutely love it...

Ellie has had a great week at school....She got to hold a pigs heart in a science lesson, went to see James and the giant peach at the theatre and found out she is some sort of bird in the school play....I think she's going to be a Turkey but she says no. hehehe I have to make a birds costume which will be a bit of a challenge....Eek! 

It has been a great week....Next week the Christmas preparation and fun is going to start properly for the kids. We have crafts to do, gingerbread houses to make and a certain little elf is coming to stay throughout December!


  1. Hi Kim, you only get one Birthday a year, so it's only right you enjoy it and spread it out if you can. How nice of Jayne to send you flowers, it would have bought a tear to my eye too (a happy one). I bet Becky will love her foot spa, what better way is there to warm up cold feet on a winters day?


    1. hehehe! I really did spread it out this year...
      Jayne is just the best...
      Ohh! I never thought about warming cold feet up. I think I may have to borrow it too.
      Thank you!

  2. Ahhh happy birthday!! Sounds like you have had a great week!! Hope you have a good weekend. Popping over from #WotW

  3. It does sound like you had fun and what a lovely surprise to have flowers arrive on your doorstep. A very nice touch. Bird costumes are fun. I had to make an owl costume once. Lots of feathers from feather dusters, which to this day, I still find hiding in odd places around the house. It was good fun, as all the mothers who had to make owl costumes descended on my house and we made them together. #wotw

    1. Ohh! Feather dusters! You are a genius! I hadn't thought of using one of those. It sounds like you had a great time making yours.
      Thank you!

  4. What a fabulous week! So pleased you had a great birthday and were thoroughly spoilt - those flowers are beautiful. Loving the foot spa gift! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  5. awww what a great, happy post. How sweet to get a special delivery. It is wonderful to hear you have had a lovely through days spend with your family X #wotw

  6. Banned for Christmas shopping he he #wotw

  7. So glad you had a wonderful birthday, what a lovely surprise the flowers were. I'm banning myself from shopping altogether until after Christmas I've been on my last spree today, so many tempting offers at the moment. #WotW

    1. Thank you! My birthday was the best...
      I am buying no more. I mean it this

  8. What a lovely week you have had - so glad you had a nice birthday and those flowers are beautiful - what a lovely surprise for you. Hope Becky likes her foot spa - I remember wanting one of those when I was about Becky's age! :-)

    1. It was the best. Thank you!
      I think Becky will love the foot spa...hehehe

  9. Awww you're very welcome! Beautiful flowers for a beautiful friend :)
    Glad you had the best birthday xxx
