Saturday, 12 October 2013

Hallmark Friendship Cards - Review!

According to a poll of over 2,000 people (aged 18-80), the average person will spend at least 9 hours and twenty eight minutes each week catching up with their friends and will feel less stressed, stronger and more confident in themselves as a result. 

That is probably right for me if you include chat's I have in the playground on the school run and on Facebook....Ohh and the two or so hours when we meet up for coffee on a

The average person now counts at least five ‘close’ friends within their social circle, with almost two thirds of Brits now preferring to keep a ‘menu of mates’ to call on in different situations rather than just one BFF (Best Friend Forever). 

The most common typologies for friends (in order of popularity) include:

1. The partner in crime (38 per cent of people have this type of friend)

2. The firm but fair friend (30 per cent of people have this type of friend)

3. The party animal (28 per cent of people have this type of friend)

4. The mentor figure/mature mate (26 per cent of people have this type of friend)

5. The mother/father figure (22 per cent of people have this type of friend)

I have four close friends which are the best lasses I know!!....They're all awesome!! :p I love each of them for different reasons and thinking about it I can easily put them in those categories...I definitely have a partner in crime, a party animal, mature mate and a mother figure. I won't name them but I know if they read this they will probably know who they are especially the a party animal & mother figure....hehehe

I was sent some lovely Hallmark friendship cards to have a look at and they are just gorgeous! They are good quality.....Exactly what you expect from Hallmark!! 

These are exactly what I would buy to give to my friends on special occasions! In fact they will be getting them for their next birthdays!!

I was sent a selection of cards from Hallmark free of charge for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own...


  1. Interesting stats - I did not know them! I totally agree you feel less stressed after a chat with a friend, so nice that that's come out :)

  2. I like the different friend types - never thought about it that way! and some great cards ;-)
