Friday, 15 April 2016

Optimistic #WotW

I really struggled to come up with one word to describe this week.....Usually I have a word in my head when I start writing the post but I had nothing.....It's been a mixed week with some highs and lows. 

This week my Word of the Week is:

We had a lovely relaxing weekend....Sunday was glorious. The kids spent most of the day out in the garden and I spent some time out there too. Lunch was eaten outside and games were played....The sun was shining and there was hope that it was the start of some nicer weather.....It wasn't to be....All week has been grey, wet and so cold. At least the weather can't get any worse....Surely we must be due some sunshine up here soon!

For the last month or so I haven't been feeling so good....This is probably too much information but here I go....I have been using the contraceptive implant for the last 5 and a half years and in a few months I will have to get it changed....It has come to a time now where it is wearing off and I am getting my periods back. They are very irregular and heavy and I am left feeling drained and horrible....Late last week I started taking Iron tablets and they seem to be helping....The obviously haven't stopped my periods being heavy or irregular but I am feeling less drained now and more like myself....Hooray!

The kids have went back to school on Tuesday and are glad to be back....As much as they love the school holidays they do like being at school too....

We got a letter about Ellie's parents evening which I'm not dreading after getting her latest school report a few weeks ago....I wouldn't say I'm looking forward to it but the dread isn't there....

There has been a change around in Becky's school day. They've moved afternoon registration to after lunchtime instead of after her last lesson of the day so it means she's been getting out at the end of the day a bit quicker. She's getting home a whole 10 minutes earlier which is really making a difference to her evenings....More time for Minecraft. lol

I have had a few lovely opportunities come my way for the blog. Some lovely things to review and I also received the latest box of Baker Ross crafts to try out with the kids....We are going to be busy for weeks....hehehe

The Reading Residence


  1. I have the same problem some weeks with trying to find a word that really describes it - especially on mixed weeks. Glad to hear that Becky is enjoying getting out of school a little earlier and that you are not dreading Ellie's parents evening and that the iron is helping you feel better - hopefully once the implant is changed that will help too. Love the look of those Baker Ross crafts - hope you have fun with them :-)

    1. It was my fella who actually came up with the word after reading the post. The clever thing. lol Thank you x

  2. I have been thinking about having the contraceptive implant, which my doctor has mentioned to me. I haven't had to think about contraception for 3 years while we were trying to get pregnant. But since having my baby girl 9 weeks ago my doctor was like you need to think what you want to do! so she has put me on the mini pill for 3 months while I decide.

    What is the implant like? Does it cause mood swings? I am guessing its different for everyone.

    Rachel xx


    1. The implant has been amazing for me. It stopped my periods just about. I had some light bleeding once a blue moon and that has been it until the last month or so. Ugh! I haven't had any mood swings or the weight gain that could happen. It is different for everyone but I have no complaints about it and once it's in you don't have to worry for 3 years.

  3. The weather has gone a bit crap hasn't it, I'm writing this whilst looking out of our window and it's wet and dull outside.
    I'm glad you are feeling a bit better now too. I know how you feel with the dreaded monthly's, not nice at all.
    Great to hear you have some lovely blog projects, looking forward to your Baker Ross one, always do :)
    Have a lovely weekend Kim xx

  4. I hope you feel better soon Kim, do go to see your GP about your period problems there's lots they can do for you (if you have a good GP) I can't wait to see what you and the girls come up with with all those goodies. xx

    1. I went when just before I got the implant changed last time and they said just hang on in there until it needs changing. The doctor isn't the most helpful. Ugh! I am planning to try and get it changed early this time. Thank you x

  5. Hi Kim, glad you're feeling back to your normal self again. I didn't know the contraceptive implant worked for so long, which is pretty amazing.

    It's nice not having to dread the upcoming parents evening and ten minutes makes all the difference when it means getting out of school that bit earlier.

    Have a fab weekend.


    1. It is amazing. It works so well for me usually.
      Thank you x

  6. That is a great word to choose. Sorry to hear you've been suffering, it's so hard when you're feeling constantly drained and tired like that. Glad you've got good things on the horizon :) Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  7. I hope you're feeling better soon. I'm also glad T is back in school and we're back to our routine. The box baker ross crafts look amazing! :) #wotw

    1. Thank you! I am feeling better this week! Hooray.

  8. A mixed week is often one that's more interesting! Glad you're feeling a bit better and hopefully after the check up you'll know what you need to do to get yourself back health. I'm prone to getting run down and I was recommended Liquid Iron; it's more absorbant than iron tablets but tastes 100-times worse lol!!
    But how lovely to have so many blogger opportunities on the horizon, that's a lovely position to be in!
    Have a lovely week xx

    1. Thank you! I'm feeling a bit better this week so the Iron seems to be working.

  9. Gosh that really is a LOT of crafts! Isn't it awful when you have a parent's evening that's hanging over you? Nice that your daughter has a little more time after school, especially now the evenings are longer. Here's hoping for some sunshine!

  10. Women's probs are such a pain eh? Glad you feel much better Kim. I'm dying for the weather to stay sunny as, as I write this it is SNOWING! Good luck for the parent's eve :-) xx #wotw

    1. They are a right pain. I'm glad I'm feeling better too.
      Thank you x

  11. I hate periods. I am really hormonal and was worse when I had the implant in. I am glad you are feeling better and how exciting opportunities for you to explore X #wotw

    1. Oh no! That's such a shame it was no good for you!
      Thank you x

  12. Aww I'm sorry to hear that you have experienced periods like this too. Great to hear about the opportunities you've been given and that you aren't completely in the dark regards parents evening. #wotw
