Friday, 8 April 2016

We have had a lot of screen time this week. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

Stu went back to work after his week off on Saturday and since then the girls who are still off school for the Easter holidays and I haven't really done much which hasn't involved a screen of some sort.....

We have been outside to the park and shopping, we've baked and done some crafts but we have had more screen time than is probably good for us but who cares...It's the holidays. hehehe

We have played a lot of the Sims 4. The girls racing to get pregnant and see how many babies they can have. The little

We have watched a lot of YouTube....The girls are all up to date with all the Minecraft videos....They were a little shocked to hear their hero Stampy say the F word on a video....I thought it was hilarious. I thought he was so squeaky clean.

They are also still enjoying playing on the Wii and the old Playstation. I can hear them playing Singstar now. One of those singing games....They get their singing voice from me and it's not

The girls have of course played Minecraft and even had Stu playing on his day off from work yesterday....

We have all been staying up later than usual and watching TV. Stu and I also seemed to have watched more TV than usual this week....Wrestlemania and of course we watched the finale of the Walking Dead. What an ending. Neegan makes the The Governor look like a really nice guy....hehehe

I have also been enjoying watching Neighbours this week....The late night episode had me sobbing. That death was utterly heartbreaking....Then later in the week I was crying again when an old favourite died.....Hollyoaks has been amazing too. So much so I have been watching it as normal on E4 then again on CH4....hehehe

We have had a nice week. Nothing much to write about but it has been good for us just relaxing and enjoying the break from school....The girls are back to school on Tuesday. They are looking forward to seeing their friends again and I think we are ready to get back into a routine....

The Reading Residence


  1. Hi Kim, an overload of screen time once in a while is no bad thing, before you know it the children will be back at school and the better weather will be there.

    We are a bit behind you on Hollyoaks, but luckily you gave nothing away (FridayNight is our Hollyoaks night).

    It sounds as if you've had a proper laid back Easter holiday, but I bet it will be good to get back in the swig of things.


    1. Yes...Once the summer is here they'll be happy to play outside a lot.
      Oh! I thought of you while writing this post and made sure to give nothing away! Enjoy Hollyoaks! It's been so good!
      Thank you! Yes, it will be nice to get back into a routine x

  2. I love a good load of lazing around with screen time! So naughty but fab in the hols. No more gossip about the walking dead... Lol only on season 5. Have a fab weekend xx #wotw

    1. Oh no! I tried not to say anything that gave the story away on The Walking Dead. Hurry up and catch up. It gets better and better!
      Thank you!

  3. Sounds like a fun week! I have to admit I don't watch Hollyoaks, I used to love it and keep wondering if I should get back into it! Popping over from #WotW

    1. Thank you! It has been lovely.
      Oh you should watch it...It has been brilliant lately x

  4. Sometimes its good have a week like you haavae with lots of screen time! We loved watching Wrestlemania as well, I didnt expect Shawn Michaels and The Rock to be there! (me and my husband are huge wrestling fans!) xx


    1. It certainly is....
      I need to get back into the Wrestling. Apart from Wrestlemania I haven't watched it in a good few months.
      I love the Rock. hehehe x

  5. Sounds like you've had a lovely relaxed week, all lounging around and enjoying that screen time together. It's good to have these from time to time to all unwind x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. It has been lovely. Just what we needed before school starts again.
      Thank you!

  6. I echo you on the screen time. Last week we were very active but this week there've been lots of PJ days and yes too much TV, tablets, laptops and phones. He's watching you tube on the phone right now. But we were going to go cinema this afternoon till I checked my bank balance. But then that's just an even bigger screen LOL. Anyway Daddy has rescued me so looks like we may go tomorrow. xx

    1. Enjoy your trip to the cinema...
      Sometimes it's nice not to do much x

  7. It us good to relax and enjoy not have to worry about meetings time or whatever. X #WOTW

    1. Oh yes! It's so good. Back to school next week though. Eek x

  8. I don't blame you, It's nice to make the most of the holidays. Who do you think it was at the end of walking dead? I've got an idea, but don't want to spoil it if anybody is still catching up.
    We are watching different box sets at the mo, just finished prison break.
    I don't know what we are going to watch once better call saul finishes either lol.
    Have a lovely weekend Kim xx

    1. I screamed at the end! lol I need to know! It was such a haunting ending though....I won't say anymore.
      Prison Break is brilliant. They're making more episodes aren't they! I can't wait!
      We have been watching The 100 and love it....So many twists and OMG moments!
      Thank you x

  9. Ah screen time is a great way to relax. We may also be addicted to screens in this household as my daughter will try to get hold of the remote to turn the tv on these days and press the keyboard buttons on the laptop. #wotw

    1. It is such a fab way to relax...
      Aww! Bless her..hehehe x

  10. Sounds exactly like what we did too ;) Feel a bit guilty but I'm glad they are going back to school on Monday. Phew! ;) x

  11. I have been watching a lot of TV too! I saw Outlander for the first time and I am addicted. My son is into CBBC now! Growing up. Sounds like a fun week for you. Hope going back next week will be awesome! #wotw

  12. I have to confess we've had a fair amount of screen time here too - but it's not a bad thing once in a while and not as if they're in front of a screen all the time! Singstar and the Sims 4 sound like fun. Glad to hear that you've had a lovely Easter break :-)

  13. Oh I'm so glad to read this, I thought it was just me! I was beating myself up as my three have pretty much spent every day on screens since we returned from our holiday. Sometimes it's just a needs must situation. i always feel guilty though. Not sure why!
