Friday, 8 November 2013

10 Day You Challenge! - Four Books...

Carrying this on from the previous weeks Ten Secrets - Nine Loves - Eight Fears - Seven Wants - Six Places & Five Foods....

This is going to be hard to name four books I like...I'm not a big reader...I probably read about 4 or 5 books a year if that....So here we go! 

1. The Harry Potter series!....I watched the first 5 films before I read any of the books...I don't know how I came about reading the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince book...I think I won it in a giveaway and thought why not! I was hooked....As soon as I could I bought the last in the series Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and remember being pregnant with Ellie feeling rather yucky laid in bed reading it...

2. Peter Kay's The Sound of Laughter!....I love Peter Kay so it was a no brainer that I would some day read his book....It was hilarious!! British humour at its best...

3. The Very Hungry Caterpillar!....A book which reminds me so much of my childhood....It's one of the first books I remember reading as a child with my mam.....My girls have had a copy each and loved it just as much as I did!

4.The Fifty Shades of Grey books!.....I will probably be hated for saying these books....It's not Great Expectations. It's not a brilliant book but it is fun and very addictive!! I had no intention of reading them....I gave into peer My friend was reading the first one while on holiday came back and loaned it to me....Then the second one.....I couldn't wait for her to finish the third one so bought it myself! Bring on the

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