Friday, 15 November 2013

The day the girls wore their PJ's to school...

Yes! For Children in Need my girls school all could go wearing their pj's and onesies today if they payed £1....They have been so excited for today....

That was until this morning when I told Ellie firstly she couldn't go to school in the pj's she slept in and secondly she couldn't wear a Disney Princess nightie which was far too thin...I said she could wear leggings under it and a t-shirt but she was having none of it.....

This is her looking none to happy this morning.....

She did cheer up by the time we got to school thankfully!!

Post Comment Love


  1. Ah mine could dress as super hero's or princesses but they wanted to wear something with Pudsey on instead!

  2. That is *not* a happy face!

    A lady came in the shop this morning and said her school was going with the spotty theme so she used bingo dabbers all over her son's t-shirt and painted coloured spots on his face and in his hair. She's really hoping it washes off at hometime!

  3. Ha ha we had something similar in our house - Austin looked like a little Michelin Man in pyjamas, what with all the layers! I'm glad she enjoyed herself eventually though.

  4. Aww bless her pleased she cheered up later on xx

  5. haha love the classic grumpy faces! We did the leg warmers and a t-shirt under the pj's and 4yo was happy with that #PoCoLo
