Saturday 9 November 2013


Years ago I used to think writing 'A Will' was only for old people or those who had lots of money....What did I need a will for? I have no money to leave anyone.....

I found the whole subject creepy and morbid....Who wants to think about what will happen when you die....

My first experience of having anything to do with wills was when my dad separated from his now ex wife...The first thing he did was make a new will just to avoid a will dispute when he does pass away...He's made a few new one's since his circumstances have changed so much in the last 10 years!! I think he averages about one every couple of years

My dad was the one who suggested that I should write a will...I have no money to leave anyone, houses or anything of great value but I do have my girls to think about....If any thing should happen to Stu and I what would happen to my girls? Who would care for them? 

Did you know children can be taken into care whilst guardians are appointed....I would hate that to happen to my girls!! Luckily the choice of guardian was simple we asked the person and she was fine with it.....She has a similar parenting style, the girls love her and she is a similar age to Stu and I so she is perfect...I also stated that a couple of my personal items which mean a lot to me are left to my girls...Photo albums and jewelry! It was quick and painless to write and it has put my mind at ease in case the worst should ever happen.....

Here are a few things to think about when writing your will....

Decide who your executors will be - those responsible for sorting out the estate and carrying out your wishes.

You need to decide who you want to leave money or possessions to....These people are known as beneficiaries. You should also think about whether you want to leave any money to charity.... 

You can go to a solicitor or even buy a do-it-yourself will kit. But if the will is not drawn up correctly it can lead to complications and disputes over the will... 

The law doesn't really recognise unmarried couples even if you have been together for years so don't expect anything to go to your partner if you don't make a will...

If you know what you want your funeral to be like, you can detail it so that your family doesn't have to make the decisions..

People may not know you have a will unless you tell them...So tell your family and where the original is kept. You can keep a will at home, but it may also be a good idea to give a copy to a solicitor....  

Remember you can always change your Will.... 


  1. Never thought about it either, but it does make sense to make provisions for your children. Thanks for sharing this!

  2. I've had a will since the first time I bought a house with my ex before we were married. My parents always talked openly about their wills and I've seen the problems that can be caused when wills aren't made. It's a relatively quick process, as you say, you can change them and if you have children it is a must as far as I'm concerned.
