Wednesday, 19 March 2014

10 Things you forget to clean....

If you consider yourself a clean freak make sure you're also cleaning these things most people forget about.....

Your Keyboard

A 2008 U.K. study found that your keyboard is dirtier than a toilet seat....Eww!!! Your keyboard gets dirty for lots of reasons: not washing your hands often enough & eating and drinking near the computer....So every two or three months, give your keyboard a good cleaning. A light cleaning can be just spraying between the keys with compressed air and lightly cleaning the keys and surrounding areas with an alcohol-soaked cotton swab.

Washing Machine

Your washing machine probably isn't as nasty as some other things on this list, but it still needs some TLC. Your washer will stay mostly clean if you do a load of whites in hot water with bleach once a week, but you can still clean it once a month by running an empty load with hot water and bleach.

Your TV Remote

Think about everything that happens to your remote control in a day. You touch it, it gets lost behind the cushions, your 6-year-old sneezes or coughs on it... I could go on. According to research this is another one that has more bacteria than your toilet seat.....At least weekly, give it a good rubdown.....

Your Bins

Just because you line it doesn't mean it's not covered with germs. Every time you take out the rubbish spray the inside with some disinfectant. Every two weeks, scrub it out in the tub with bleach water.

Light switches and door handles

Next time you're doing the dusting don't forget to wipe down the light switches and door handles. They're rarely cleaned, but are touched by just about everyone in your home including guests....Clean them at least once per week and daily when someone in the house is sick.


Even if you bathe and wash your hair at night before hitting the sack, you still sweat so your pillow can get pretty nasty. Not to mention what happens if you skip the shower a few times a month. If your pillows are machine washable, you should wash them on the gentle cycle in hot water with mild soap, then dry them on low...Just make sure they're really dry before you use them....This should be done every three to six months.

I'm no clean freak but admit I need to clean these things more!! Eww!! I feel so dirty


  1. I started reorganising my office area the other week and decided to give my keyboard a good clean - OMG, it was vile in there - I wanted to puke!! I couldn't believe how much dust and crap was below the keys, so I took them all off and cleaned the whole thing inside and out!! Feels so much better now :D

    As for all the other little things we forget to clean - omg, I feel so dirty haha, I'm not a clean freak, but I like a tidy home and now feel I need to get the bleach out and put it everywhere!! x

    1. I've cleaned my keyboard too this week.....It was disgusting! It's amazing how much dirt gets under they keys!! Yuck!

  2. Great post! How many of us clean our keyboards? I know I have started recently.Phones too are bug hazards, I always give mine a wipe every now and again.

    1. I did this week for the first time in ages.....It was vile!
      My phone hardly ever used to get cleaned....It does now though....hehehe

  3. I don't want to type this now!! ewwww x

    1. hahaha! Horrible isn't it....Thinking about how we should clean keyboards more!

  4. Oh my goodness, I knew about the light switches but ewww! Great tip on the washing machine, I was actually thinking just this week that I need to de-pong mine! But I feel like I'm destroying the environment for my grandchildren if I do a hot wash...!x

  5. I do a clean a few of the things on the list, and am particular about the garbage bins! It's the pillows I slack on.

    1. I know I'm planning on cleaning our pillows tomorrow....This has got me a bit OCD about cleaning at the moment...

  6. Whoops! I never clean any one of these things! Feel a bit dirty now ;p

  7. Really interesting post - I really need to clean my keypad on my laptop as I've never done it. Right I'm off to get my supplies and start cleaning lol! #Pocolo

  8. This definitely makes me realise I don't clean enough. I dread to think what's under the keys of my laptop!!

    Dropping by from #PoCoLo
    Kat :)

  9. I clean all mentioned above except the TV remote! Ugh. Must do that, you are so right! :) #PoCoLo.

  10. It's funny the things you don't think about isn't it - I'm always cleaning the insides of bins and the washing machine - I got told by a washing machine service guy that you should leave the drawer and door of the washing machine slightly open when not in use so that air circulates and stops mould forming throughout. Regular cleaning helps too though obviously! great list :) #pocolo

  11. I am a clean freak as you! I would change the sheets every so often and husband would ask why =P

    I esp change everything after my son recovered from an illness too.

    I also clean my bath tub with Fairy. I use Fairy very often. I use it on everything actually.

    This is an awesome blog post!


  12. I'm neurotic about washing my pillows every couple of months as I'm allergic to dustmites. Depending on studies from 10% to 50% of the weight in a two year old pillow is dustmites and their droppings.....yeergh

    1. Ewww!! I need to clean my pillows more....Even more so now after reading that! Yuck x

  13. I do some of these things but I do forget the light switches and I am a so and so for cleaning my keyboard (!). Pleased to say that I am pretty good with the bins and the washing machine - I also cleaned the dishwasher today :) Thank you for linking to PoCoLo x
