Monday, 24 March 2014

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

What a few days.....On Friday I got a phone call from the girls school.....Becky had fallen over at playtime and fell flat on her face.....A bloody nose, it all swollen and grazes on it....We ended up in A&E for a few hours....As far as they can tell her nose wasn't broken but we have to wait for the swelling to go down to be able to tell properly....Becky was very brave and is fine now I'm glad to say!.....So by the time we got out of the hospital it was 1.30pm so it was fish & chips for lunch so the tea I'd planned of fish in butter sauce was out of the window.....We ended up with sandwiches, cakes and crisps....

We were supposed to be back to the hospital today with Ellie....She is 95% deaf in one ear (you can read about her last appointment here)....We had an appointment for a hearing test and a review but Ellie is full of cold....I've just got off the phone and the appointment is being rearranged as they won't test her when she's all stuffy....Ellie has been looking forward to getting McDonalds on the way home from the hospital so we're still going to get one from our local McDonalds.....I'm quite fancying one myself now....hehehe

So this week so on the menu we have...

Monday - McDonalds...
Tuesday - BBQ Chicken and rice....
Wednesday - Sausage, mushroom & tomato pasta....
Thursday - Giant yorkshire puddings filled with chicken, roast potatoes, veg & stuffing....
Friday - Fish in butter sauce with new potatoes, peas and sweetcorn!!....
Saturday - Gammon, chips, peas, pineapple & fried egg....
Sunday - Not a clue....But I'm not cooking it! I'm having Mothers Day off!!...

As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky..


  1. Definitely mums should have next Sunday off :)

  2. I've heard of the meal planning monday but never taken part, but having read your post about it, it seems a great way to be organised for the week! I've rather jealous of your Maccy's for tonight and enjoy Sunday off xx

    1. It seems to save money and waste too.....
      Thank you x

  3. Love the idea of giant Yorkshire puddings, will have to remember that for next weeks meal plans.

  4. I'm not cooking either - maybe takeaway then!

