Thursday, 27 March 2014

Blog Your Heart Out.....

I saw this over on the lovely Laura's blog My Life As a Mummy ages and ages ago....I like things like this so thought I would do it too.....It's probably wrong to do it without being tagged but hey 

On with the questions....

Who/what encouraged you to start blogging?

Before I was a 'Blogger' I was a 'Comper' I loved entering competitions and giveaways....I still do! 

I happened to stumble across blogs hosting giveaways..... Probably through the Money Saving Expert forum..... Sometimes when I found a giveaway there would be some other blog post which caught my eye and I would keep going back and reading those blogs....It got to a point where I read something online and wanted to rant about it....My girls did something great and I wanted to share it and I found a recipe I loved and wanted to share that too...Other people were doing these things why couldn't I....So I did and this is what you read now.....  

How did you choose what topics to blog about?

I just blog about what I feel like....I tend to blog about a bit of everything but it always seems to be centered around my girls one way or another....

Tell us something people don't know about you?

Err....I'm stuck! lol I secretly love watching 'tween' shows like Good Luck Charlie, Ant Farm & Dog with a blog....Which is so funny!!

What three words describe your style?
Errm....Random, fun & my own....

 What do you like to do when you're not blogging?

Entering competitions....I play stupid games like Candy Crush, Papa Pear Saga, Pet Rescue Saga on Facebook and I tweet a lot!!

I'm tagging everyone!!


  1. Great to get to know you better! Don't know how you have time to enter competitions and blog - what's your secret?!

    1. My secret.....I don't get enough

  2. I love reading these. Love your words for your style :)

  3. I am sure we were separated at birth!! I shall just direct people to you ok lol xx

  4. It is so great to find out a little bit more about you lovely :) Thank you for linking to PoCoLo x

  5. Great idea. Yes I watch a bit too much E4. I'm waiting for my girls to become tweens/teenagers and tell me I can't anymore. Because I'm too old. And not cool enough. Gulp.

  6. Thank you for this - I love extra little insights into the people who write the blogs I read. I may well join in with my own "Blog You Heart out" one day soon!

  7. Hello lovely. Only just seen this! Nice to find out more about you x x x
