Friday, 14 March 2014


My word of the week is....

 Hasn't it been such a lovely week?!

Spring has most definitely sprung....There is nothing better than feeling a bit of sun on your face!!

There has still been a chill in the air but the sun has been shining and it seems to have put everyone in a great mood!!

I have gone from wearing my thick winter coat to a thinner one....I haven't wore my wooly thick jumpers all week and yesterday I wished I hadn't wore my coat on the school run I was has been out on the line drying and I actually saw the bottom of the washing basket earlier on in the week! That doesn't happen often....

After being cooped up indoors for what seems like an eternity or almost freezing to death every time I've gone out it’s great now being able to be able to get outside more....

The kids have started to play out in the backyard more....Ellie in her shorts convinced just because there's a bit of sun that it's summer.....She's even mentioned the paddling pool a couple of times....Not yet love! lol We've even had a trip to the park after school of course with an ice cream......

The days are getting longer....It's much lighter in the morning....I actually don't mind getting out of bed now.... Well I do but I don't feel the urge to just put the cover over my head and snuggle back down....

I love the warmer weather....It feels like winter is really over and summer is just around the corner....I love the sunshine!!

The Reading Residence


  1. Oh! I agree completely. It's so much better when the sun shines, the days are longer and there's a bit of warmth :)

  2. It was great in Northern Ireland too and my little one enjoyed it fully!xx

  3. Isn't it fab when the sun comes out so early, puts everyone in a lovely mood. Great word xx #wotw

  4. I don't really consider myself a summer person, but I do love it when the first sunshine of spring is upon us and the flowers begin to bloom. And even I have to admit, sunshine puts a smile on your face :)

  5. Fab word, and such a cheery post! I do love the sunshine, and we have been getting out and making the most of it :) Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  6. Spring is definitely my favourite season - so full of hope ... and flowers!

  7. A lovely post, I love how kids think that because there is a bit of sun, The shorts and and summer dresses come out! I too found the bottom of my washing basket, its gone again now but i found it.#WotW

  8. The weather has been fab! We also got to the park and had ice-cream :) x #WoTW

  9. So nice to shed the big coat and boots isn't it?

  10. Sunshine is such a fabulous word - here's to Spring and seeing a lot more of the sun!

  11. It sounds beautiful! It's too bad that here in Dubai, we jump straight from winter to summer, so it's already quite hot.

  12. I love your positive post but I'm so cross it isn't spring here, we have sunshine but it's not the same when it's -10C!

  13. Sun(shine) brings the best in people =)

