Monday, 31 March 2014

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

What a disaster last weeks meal plan was....Monday and Tuesday went fine by Wednesday we were all full of cold...I didn't feel like cooking and no one felt like eating so we ate nothing off the meal plan....By Saturday we were feeling better so I did a picky party tea....Sandwiches, pizza, lots of nibbles and a pile of cakes....hehehe

We're all feeling better now so hopefully this week will go to plan....

This week so on the menu we have...

Monday - Gammon, chips, peas, pineapple & fried egg....What we didn't have on Saturday!!
Tuesday - Roast chicken dinner with all the trimmings....
Wednesday -
Chicken risotto....
Thursday - Fish Finger sandwiches....
Friday - Pizza....
Saturday - Burgers in buns with fries and salad....
Sunday - Sausage Casserole with mash...

As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky...


  1. Hope you're all feeling better this week, sounds like a yummy week! #mealplanningmonday

  2. Oh dear, sorry you've all be under the weather. Hope this week goes more to plan!


  3. Hope you're all feeling better this week. Mm, fish finger sandwiches! Can't beat that!! x

  4. Good to hear you are all better, hope this week is a better one for you all

  5. Sorry to hear your last weeks meal planning went to pot, and hope your all on the road to recovery now. We've also all had colds but we are struggling to get them shifted. Hope your plan goes well this week, I should make a plan now that I have just embarked on a Slimming World journey... maybe finally join in next week.

    1. Hope you all feel better son!!
      Good luck with Slimming world x

  6. Hope you're feeling better. I love gammon and pineapple :) yum! Great menu x

  7. I think everyone has weeks like that, hope you're all feeling better now. Gammon and pineapple is delicious!

  8. A picky party tea is a fab cure for no appetite. The lurgy is all over the place. Roll on Summer!

    At least your guaranteed a better week this week :)

    Claire x
