Friday, 15 August 2014

But We're Bored....

Friday again.....Which means Word of The Week time....

This week my word is.....

 As much as I do love the summer holidays.....We've hit that point....The point where the horrible 'B' word is being used...I knew it was just a matter of time before the kids would start saying they are bored....

The weather hasn't helped.....It's been raining a lot and I think we've had one day of sunshine this week....With the grey clouds everyone's mood is terrible....

Every day I've been doing different things with the girls but sometimes there is no pleasing them and everything has ended in the them arguing....They've been arguing over the stupidest things too....

 Next week is a new week and I am bored of hearing the girls say they are bored....I'm going to find some different things to do with them and hopefully I won't hear the bored word again....


  1. OMG yes I am so tired of hearing it to! Roll on September 3rd!!! #WotW

    1. We're back on the 3rd too....Starting to wish it would hurry up and get here. lol

  2. Oh no! Mine are too small too feel bored or to utter that dreaded word, though I'm sure the time will come! Good luck avoiding the word next week! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. I have a few things planned so fingers crossed I won't hear it this coming week.

  3. It is definitely that time in the holidays! Roll on September :-)

  4. Oh dear! We haven't had that much chance to get bored, but an injection of some new Lego did the trick when we did hit a bored patch.
