Saturday, 9 August 2014

Daddy Daughter Time....

We've got to the point in the holidays where I needed a break from the kids and they needed one from me.....So yesterday the girls had a bit of time with my fella their dad....

They went to our favourite place.....Amble

They had a bit of a drama getting there.....They missed the bus....So ended up walking into town and getting the next one....They also missed the bus No worries though....It gave them more time to play....I said it was because they didn't have me keeping them right....We never miss the bus when I'm there.

They had a great adventure.....Climbed hills, ran down them, had fish and chips, ice-creams and explored lots of new places.....

And of course visited the beach.....

I'm quite jealous I missed out on all the fun.....While they were away I did manage a long soak in the bath.....Wrote 3 blog posts....Did all the housework and caught up on about 8 episodes of


  1. Replies
    1. Ohh it's a small world!! A beautiful town! An hour or so by bus from us but we love it....

  2. Looks and sounds like they all hada brilliant day! I can see why you were a little jealous :-) #countrykids

    1. They did....They're still talking about all the fun they had now.

  3. Looks like they had lots of fun and sounds like a well deserved break for you too. I think I should send my girls off with Daddy for a while too x

    1. They did. Thank you.
      It's nice to have some time without them especially since they've been with me all day every day during the holidays x

  4. Aww - some lovely Daddy-Daughter(s) time. Judging by the photos they had a great day out with lots of nice treats too. Thanks for linking up their fun with Country Kids.

    1. Always a pleasure to link up! Thank you for hosting!

  5. Happy to hear that the girls had a fabulous day out with their dad. And here's to writing 3 blog posts while they were away as well as everything else you managed to cram in!

    1. I got so much done and they had a great time....It was a win win situation x

  6. Sounds like they had a great time! I bet you feel so much better after the rest x

  7. I'm the same, would never want to miss out, but also like having the time to catch up on all the things I needed to do. Sounds like they had a blast.

  8. Gosh I never get that much done when mine are away lol. Glad they had a nice time with their dad and you got a break. Mine went to the Brook with their's so I could do blogging and I admit I too was jealous not to be going.

    1. They were gone for about 7
      It's hard when you want to join in the fun but want to catch up on things too....

  9. How funny about missing the buses. So glad you got a break. It's always a balancing act isn't it - trying to get our 'me time' and yet wanting to spend time with the kids having fun too. x

    1. It was hilarious.....Luckily they managed to get on the bus just before the rain started....hehehe

  10. It's great that you had a break and they all seem to have had a lovely time. Missing the buses probably made it more of an adventure!

    1. They thought it was great fun....They got to go to a park they don't usually go to....To kill an hour.

  11. Ah, daddy/daughter time is great. As a dad, I love having the time to spend one-on-one with each of my three kids, plus of course it's always good to mix things up and give mum a break (our boys are pretty good at disappearing off by themselves for a bit and creating their own fun now).

    1. They thought it was brilliant as they either spend time with me or me and my fella as a family....They thought it was so special.

  12. I know what you mean about needing a break - it does get a little like that 3 weeks in. This looks like a really fun time.


    1. Yeah I think it was the 3 weeks hump we needed to get over......We're all happier and ready to face the next 3 weeks. Thank you x

  13. That day sounds like a win for everyone in your family! It's good to have some time for yourself and wonderful for your husband and girls to spend the day together! #magicmoments

  14. That sounds just like our family - my hubbie is great at taking my daughters out on one-on-one trips, or sometimes all of them! I too sometimes wish I'd gone along, when they come back telling me all that they've done - and yet, it's also lovely to hear their recounts and see the smiles on their faces of the special time they had with their Daddy. I'm glad you had a much needed, lovely day for you (us Mum's so need those to keep our batteries charged!).

  15. I have to admit I had to click the link to find out where it was! It looks lovely though & they had a great time with their dad.

  16. The neighbours comment made me laugh. Sometimes having a little rest is amazing but I must admit I do get a bit jel when they are away with the Dad for the day. Glad they had lots and lots of fun! xxx

  17. Aww what a lovely day they all had with Daddy! Its so good for them to have that time with parents on their own I think too. A collection of fab & fun photos too. x

  18. I have this feeling as well today hehe. Seems fun to be just with Dad. Let him experience the hustle and bustle! Looks like a lovely day =) #countrykids

  19. What a fantastic date with Dad! It sounds like a lot of fun, but it sounds like you also got a lot done. Both things are necessary sometimes. Thanks for the post, and the fun pictures.

  20. It's nice when they can have alone time with their dad, even better that you got some time to do what you wanted ;-) #magicmoments

  21. awww what a great day it looks like they had!

    thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments
