Friday, 14 November 2014

Fit as fiddles....

This week my word of the week is.....

My brothers ex girlfriend Louise, the mother to my nephew who I am still close to has had a rough time of it lately...Her mother has been very ill....She has a brain tumor. She's fought cancer before and won so this time everyone was really worried.....The tumor was the size of a golf ball and she's been having treatment for the last couple of months......On Wednesday we all got the fantastic news the tumor is now it's the size of a marble...She still has to have a low dose of chemo in tablet form until at least January when they are going to reassess her but things are looking so good!! It means they can start preparing for Christmas without this hanging over them.....They are so relieved and I am for them....

This is the first time I've had to deal with anyone close to me dealing with any sort of illness....I think that makes me very lucky.....

 I take my health for granted.....I know I do. I am rarely ill.....I get colds now and again but thankfully I'm pretty healthy....I can't even remember the last time I was at the doctors for any reason apart from pregnancy related things, smear tests and contraceptives....It was probably just before I had my appendix out when I was 18 when they said it wasn't appendicitis (it obviously was. lol).....I take after my dad I think....I have to be on deaths door to go to the doctors....He has just actually registered at a surgery close to where he lives, his girlfriend forced him too because he couldn't shake off a chest infection.....He's better now though! Phew!

My girls even with their heart problems are healthy they get the normal coughs, colds and sicky bugs from school but they bounce back quickly after being poorly.....Even before their heart surgery they were not poorly....

Stu is rarely ill....In fact in the 8 years we've been together I have never known him to be poorly.....Well apart from man flu.....

I'm so lucky to be healthy and have a fit and healthy family....I just hope writing this isn't tempting fate....Eek!

The Reading Residence


  1. That's great news about the marble-sized tumour, hopefully it'll go pea-sized with the additional treatment and must be such a weight lifted. On the man flu, it's definitely something to dread isn't it?!

  2. We all take our health for granted - until it's too late!

  3. Hi Kim, so lovely to hear that the people around you are getting better. All that fresh air must be doing some good for you :)

  4. So happy to hear that it's all getting better. I think we all do take for granted how lucky we are. I have had lots of problems and still am but I'm still alive and still with my children so I am thankful x

    1. Things like this make you feel so thankful... Thank you x

  5. Sorry to her about your nephew's grandmother being so least the tumor is smaller now.

    I, too, use to take my health for granted until I found out I have an incurable disease called RSD. Don't take your health for granted make the most of your life while you still can.

    Stopping by via #WotW...glad you linked up!


  6. It's easy sometimes to take health for granted isn't it. I'm glad you have received some positive news too x

  7. We do often take good health for granted, but coming from a nursing career (before children) I remember all the poorly people I nursed in the past, we are very lucky. #WoTW

  8. It is easy to take good health for granted, so it's lovely you've stopped to be grateful for it within your family. And yes, you're so very lucky to have not been touched by serious illness before, and I'm pleased that's been a positive outcome x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  9. It's sad that it usually takes something horrible to make us realise how lucky we are and how quickly it can all change. I'm glad she's doing so well x

  10. You're definitely right, we do take our health for granted. I know I do, though I constantly remind my husband that we have to be conscious now because we have a young daughter! :) Here's to more continued good health to all of us, especially your darling daughters :) #wotw - Dean of Little Steps

  11. Sorry to hear about the brain tumor returning but I am delighted that is has shrunk. I think we all take health for granted until we are made to think about it, then we are truly grateful x #WotW

    1. Things are so positive at the moment!
      Thank you x

  12. So pleased to hear treatment is going well and you are all fit and healthy. You're lucky to be well x

  13. I also take health for granted even if I promise that I would look over it as my son needs me. This is a great reminder of that promise. Thanks for sharing this story =) #wotw

    1. Things like this really do make you stop and think.
      Thank you x

  14. That is amazing news about the tumor!! Glad you're all so healthy, wellness is such a big part of our lives xx #WotW

  15. Fit as fiddles is good news :) I lost a cousin to a brain tumour so I know how relieved everyone must be that this one seems to be on its way out x

  16. I need to look after myself better, I think so many of us take our health for granted

  17. So glad to hear that Louise's mum's tumour is shrinking and that your family are all healthy - fingers crossed that it will continue to stay that way! x

  18. What great news about the tumour shrinking.

  19. That's great news Kim and just in time for Christmas too! I'm the same as you, I've never really been ill apart from flu. We're all pretty much the same. As far as I'm concerned you have to live life because you never know when an illness is going to hit. :)

  20. Hope she recovers well from the illness. Good health is really one of the things we should be thankful for.

    1. I am truly thankful! Times like this make me realise how much so! Thank you x

  21. That is brilliant news about Louise's mother, I hope everything continues to go well for her. Ugh The Dreaded Man Flu :D

  22. Glad that Louise's mother is doing so well :)

  23. That's wonderful news about the tumour! I think we do take our health for granted sometimes x #WotW

  24. Our is something I think we all take for granted, and it's a shock when it's not there. I hope Louise continues to do well xx
