Monday, 17 November 2014

Two years blogging!!

 It is two years yesterday since I posted my first blog post and I'm proud to say since then I have posted every day since....I don't want to blow my own trumpet but I think that's a pretty big achievement!! I'm not going to win any awards with my blog but this is my space on the interweb and a love it....

Some of my most popular posts over this last year have been:

I'm the worst mother in the world....All about how Becky hated me for not letting her have a Facebook account....

My experience of The Contraceptive Implant and getting it replaced....I'm guessing people found it informative as people still keep looking at it all the time...

My Silent Sunday photo which I'm really thinking about getting put onto a canvas....I'm rubbish at taking photos but I think this one was a good one....

Ellie's make up antics have got people laughing....

Our wonderful day at The Alnwick Garden....Where I could of easily posted hundreds of photos...

I could of listed about 20 posts which I really love but thought I would stick with

I've worked with some great brands and had the opportunity to try out some wonderful products....My favourite being The Lottie Dolls, Science 4 You sets and games,  Bee Good products and the Poo-Pourri which really did work!! Thank you to everyone who sends myself and my girls things to review.....We have such a fantastic time with everything and appreciate it so much.

I've enjoyed taking part in linkies....I have been keeping up with Meal Planning Monday.....Tried and Tested is great for sharing my reviews of products......Wicked Wednesdays always has me chuckling...Even thought I don't link up every week I do go and read and look at the hilarious photos....Word of the Week has been a great way to sum up what's happened during the week and of course on a Friday there is #SoFoLo & PoCoLo over on Verily Victoria Vocalises and of course this post will be linked up to Magic Moments over on The Oliver's Madhouse

Over this last year I have learned:

How to put a header on my blog......I thought it was something you needed a professional to do....It may have took me several hours and a lot of swearing but I did it eventually....

Pic Monkey is amazing.....I only used to use it to make photo collages but it helped with making my banners and is fantastic for adding text to images!  

Scheduling posts takes some of the pressure off.....

Bloggers are amazing people......Well I knew that but when you're in trouble they really help....When I had my Twitter troubles a little while ago people re-tweeted and shared my new account.....Thank you! The blog groups on Facebook are a fantastic help too and I never get laughed at for asking stupid questions....

There are lots of lovely PR people and brands who are a absolute pleasure to work and are so generous.....For example recently instead of sending one product out for my girls to try and share they sent hem one each of the product.....Something they didn't have to do but did....Lovely!! Thank you!

I am slowly learning how to edit videos on YouTube.....I put some music on a video a while ago and thought it was the best thing ever....I will never be a vlogger but I am getting quite addicted to videoing the kids trying out things we get sent to review....

As much as I'd like to I can't link up to every linky going....

Running competitions are not that scary.....I have been so nervous about running them wondering will people enter? Will the Rafflecopter work and I have always turned them down....A couple of weeks ago I took the plunge and started a giveaway.

If you are going to put tags on your blog posts do it when you first start blogging....Not when you have been blogging over a year and a half.....That is about 4 hours of my life I will never get

There just isn't enough hours in the day to do every thing I want to on my blog, commenting on other blogs and chatting on Twitter.

The girls think whenever a parcel arrives it's something for them to review.....Very tricky this time of year when I'm ordering Christmas presents....

Whenever something out of the ordinary happens I have to take photos and think could this be a blog post....hehehe

I still love blogging......There are probably another hundred things I have learned over the last year but I just can't think of them right now! Doh!

I have met some lovely, amazing, inspirational people through blogging and I have had some amazing opportunities and chances to review some wonderful things!! Thank you so much for reading, commenting, sharing and supporting me over the last two years.....It means so much!! Here's to many more years.....


  1. Happy blogoversary! It's so nice to read such a positive post about blogging. I'm very impressed that you've blogged every day for two years! I blog every day at the moment and have done for the best part of two years, but before that I used to have the odd day off!

    1. Thank you! I'm at a point now where I'm scared to miss a Being able to Schedule the posts really helps.

  2. Happy 2 years! You are such a lovely blogger and always go out of your way to comment. It's always appreciated xx

  3. Happy Blogiversary! Not far from you - just down the coast at Whitley bay x

    1. Thank you! Ohh Whitley bay isn't too far from me at all....hehehe

  4. Wow posting EVERY day! I only manage 3 times a week, full respect to you and congratulations. I'm with you all the way on your learnings over the 2 years, especially picmoneky, what did I do before? #MagicMoments

    1. Thank you! To think I used to put each picture on one by one and they looked rubbish....hehehe I couldn't manage without PicMonkey now. x

  5. Yes, I agree. A lovely positive post and you're such a supportive blogger. I'm so glad you still feel positive about it after two years of blogging every day! x

  6. Lovely post - happy blog birthday :D :D Think you should have cake to celebrate xx

  7. Blogging is such a learning curve. I can't even imagine what it will be like after 2 years. HAPPY BLOG BIRTHDAY!

    1. The thing is it doesn't seem like two year! Time flies when you're having fun! Thank you!

  8. Happy blog birthday! This was fun to read, so much has happened in 2 years! And thanks very much for the #WotW mention, too x

    1. Aww! You're welcome! Yours is one of my fave linkies....
      Thank you x

  9. Happy blog birthday!! Posting everyday is a massive achievement. I mostly manage 2-3 times a week at a push! Here's to the next 2 years xx

  10. Happy Blog Birthday Kim! You've posted every day for 2 years? Wow! I struggle to keep my momentum going even when I think I'm doing well so that's a real achievement. :) Well done. xx

    1. Thank you! I have struggled sometimes but I've always managed it x

  11. Wow well done on blogging every day for two years !! That's very impressive I find it hard to post twice a week if I'm lucky. I hope you continue to have another great year of blogging xx

  12. Happy Blog Birthday! Well done on posting every day, that's some achievement!

  13. Well done on reaching such a great milestone!

  14. Congratulations for posting everyday. I've been blogging a little over 2 years and I can't manage that. Happy Blog Birthday, and here's to many more fab blogging years. Well done x

    Kate | A British Sparkle

  15. Happy bloggy birthday! :)

    Will come back later in the week and visit the older links, today has been a Christmas shopping day and I'm nackered with a K! X

    1. Aww! Thank you!
      Ahh That's why I do my Christmas shopping online....hehehe x

  16. Happy blog birthday! #MagicMoments x

  17. Congratulations! My 2 year anniversary is coming up too, but I can't say I have been as dedicated as you. It's great that you are still having so much fun and good luck for at least the next two years!! :) x

  18. Hello there, happy anniversary and what a fabulous achievement! Wonderful stuff, and here's to more happy blogging! x #magicmoments

  19. Congratulations on your 2 years! We started blogging around the same time! :)

  20. Sorry it's late but happy Bloggerversairy ! Mine was 3 in September wish I felt the same as you but sadly I dont. Well done for such a good blog and keep it up :)

  21. Happy blog birthday! I have few emails from PR about things that I am so scared to do business with them. I was thinking what if I goof off or do mistakes! It will be documented on the blog! But hopefully like you I will get it and not be scared anymore. I love your blog and how you are always there for new bloggers like me. Thanks & again Happy blog birthday =) #pocolo

    1. I feel like that all the time Merlinda! So scared of messing up! I actually felt physically sick when I was waiting for first my giveaway to start! lol I'm starting to worry now as it ends tonight and I have to pick a winner.....I just hope it goes ok! hehehe Thank you!

  22. Happy blog birthday and a huge well done for managing to post every day in that time! :-)

    1. Thank you! I thought everyone blogged every day when I started then I got into the habit of

  23. I can't believe you post every day! Good God, woman, you must never stop!!!

    Happy Blogiversary :-)


    1. Lots of late nights and Scheduling helps.....Oh and gallons of coffee....hehehe Thank you x

  24. happy belated blog birthday! so sorry i am late to the party lovely xx

    Thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments - Sorry for the very long delay in getting to you x
