Thursday, 27 November 2014

We're getting a house guest.....

Last year was the first year I heard and read about the craze that is Elf on the shelf I wanted to join in with the fun but I had left it a bit too late....This year I'm ready!

 The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition is an activity the entire family will enjoy.....Based on the tradition Carol Aebersold began with her family in the 1970s, this cleverly rhymed children's book explains that Santa knows who is naughty and/or nice because he sends a scout elf to every home......During the holiday season, the elf watches children by day and reports to Santa each night. When children awake, the elf has returned from the North Pole and can be found hiding in a different location.....This activity allows The Elf on the Shelf to become a delightful hide-and-seek game. 

A few weeks ago I ordered the The Elf on the Shelf Girl Doll with the Book from the Book Depository....I can't wait to start this tradition with my girls....I know for a fact Ellie will especially love this.....She is really into the magic of Christmas.....Becky does not believe now! Last year she was 50/50 about Santa.....This year she knows :( Hopefully this will bring back some of that lost magic for her.....

I have been browsing online for inspiration and have came across some fantastic ideas....

Will you be having an elf visiting this year?


  1. So exciting! Looking forward to following your elf antics this year - our elf tradition started last year, can't wait for him to return on Monday

  2. Such lovely porject actually! Love the snow angle errr flour elf angel photo! WIll be looking forward to your elf on the shelf post =) #pocolo

    1. Thank you! There are so many cute ideas! I can't wait to try them out :) x

  3. I love Elf on the Shelf! The company I work for make printable resources and we have a pack of resources to go alongside elf on the shelf, feel free to contact me if you'd like more info.
    Elf on the Shelf wasn't around when my eldest was small but Im looking forward to doing it when my littlest gets a bit bigger!!

  4. We have an elf visiting this year too, I can't wait! Love your pics for elf mischief inspiration, I was getting worried about running out of ideas mid-Dec! Can't wait to read more about your elf's antics later in the month :) #ChristmasCountdown

    1. Pinterest has been such a great help.....There is more then enough on there to keep the elf busy....hehehe

  5. I'm too lazy to do the elf stuff. But I love seeing the creative ideas that others do. Hope it brings a bit of magic into your house

    1. hehehe! I might be regretting it half way through

  6. I actually hasn't heard odd this, until I started blogging! I think it's such a cute idea, but I always remember to late. Can't wait to see where your elf turns up xx
