Saturday, 7 February 2015

Project 365 - Week 6

Another week of a photo every day has been a doddle....hehehe

31/365. 31st January 2015.

Cream Eggs are ruined for me.....I can taste the difference in the chocolate.....They are no longer my favourite treat!!

32/365. 1st February 2015.

My girl is crazy! That is all....

33/365. 2nd February 2015.

Becky had fun with her Mine craft paper crafty things that she got for Christmas....

34/365. 3rd February 2015

Becky brought home her Science book....It was nice to see what she had been learning....She had to revision to do about animal and plant cells....I remember doing about that at school....Such a long, long time ago....hehehe

35/365. 4th February 2015

It snowed again.....Still not enough to make a snowman though!

36/365. 5th February 2015

Stu came in from work soaking wet.....I made the mistake of asking him if it was raining.....He was not 

37/365. 6th February 2015

The Valentine card I ordered for Becky to give to her boyfriend arrived.....Minecraft of Also very apt it arrived yesterday with it being the start of heart week!! Which I have blogged about....


  1. Love that heart card! And I remember learning that in school too, ages ago!

  2. Yes, I remember that lesson at school too! Hurrah for minecraft in all forms! Hurrah for children who pose for us all 365 days!

    1. It's probably one of the only things I do remember from my science lessons at x

  3. I had exactly the same with Creme Eggs - I mentioned it on FB and got quite a thread going (including someone who took it way too seriously!!) - but they're not the same at all are they? Mine even broke in half - it wouldn't do that with normal chocolate :-)

    1. I can't believe people get so serious over Cream
      They're not the same :) x

  4. Love the randomness with Ellies dressing up lol :), and it did make me smile when you asked Stu if it had been raining!
    Great Photos x

  5. I'm coming to the conclusion that I don't have a very discerning palate - I can't taste a huge difference with the new creme eggs. I do eat them out of the fridge though, and have heard that eating chocolate at fridge temperature can mask the flavour a bit.

    1. hehehe! I should try them out of the fridge.....Might be worth a try. I still love the filling just not the chocolate x

  6. I never like Creme eggs, so it's not a big loss for me, but commiserations if you liked them. Great Minecraft crafting session, and a cool Valentine's card.

  7. I don't think I've ever seen inside my son's science book! I still haven't tried one of the new Creme Eggs. I think it has to be done, but I know I'm going to be disappointed!

    1. It's the first time she's brought any of her school books home....Was lovely to see x

  8. Looks like a great week!! I love the card =)
    Hehe love pic 32 =) crazy is awesome!

  9. Gosh have Creme Eggs changed? I just bought my kids some last week as they brought back childhood memories for me. Hehe the expression after you asked if it had been raining!

  10. Well shock horror, I have never liked Creme Eggs. The fondant is far too sweet for me but alot of people have been talking about how they have changed and the chocolate is not as tasty!
    Love the Minecraft card!

    1. Eesh! I thought everyone liked cream

  11. Ive still not tried the crème eggs since they have changed. I love that heart card

  12. My daughter has that minecraft paper set thing too! Ha to the raining question x #365

  13. I keep hearing about the change in chocolate for the creme eggs, although I haven't tried the new ones myself because I haven't eaten chocolate for several weeks. However as they were also one of my favourites I'm tempted to just give them a miss until Kraft sort them out.

    1. You're not missing out on anything....hehehe x

  14. Oh no.
    I've not tried the new creme eggs due to a diet. I'll cry

    1. Stick with the diet....They're not worth it x

  15. it's been so long since I've had a cadburys creme egg that i wouldn't know what it was supposed to taste like anymore. i'm hoping the shops in Dubai stock some goodies for Easter

    1. Ohh good luck getting Easter treats in Dubai x

  16. Huge minecraft fans in this house, will have to look out for that crafty set :)

    1. I got it fro M&S for Christmas....I'm sure elsewhere sells it :D x

  17. oh i am disappointed about the creme eggs :( boooo Cadburys!
    i also remember doing that school work many moons ago of course!!! and your daughters dress sense is uhmmm well different ha ha xx

  18. Can't believe they were daft (greedy) enough to change the chocolate in the eggs - so much bad publicity. Loving all the Minecraft things - we have some of those paper things too.

  19. I've not had a creme egg this year. I saw that they are now 65p and decided to leave them well alone! ( I can get 4 Boost bars for £1 !)
    Oh the science book took me back too.. Amoeba and sprogyra to compare cells. Much longer ago....

  20. I haven't tried the new creme eggs, I'm not sure I will as I have heard so many bad things about them. Ethan has started watching minecreaft videos on youtube, I'm wondering if I will have to learn more about it now!

  21. I don't like Creme Eggs but a number of my friends are gutted too by this change - why can't they leave things alone.
