Saturday, 28 February 2015

Project 365 - Week 9

I struggled for photos this week.....I haven't took that many and didn't have much choice but I have still managed one a day....Phew! I have a feeling I have messed up the numbers last I went from 46 to 48 and missed 47....I think I'm back on track now?

52/365. 21st February 2015

My Saturday night treat.....More Easter eggs....

53/365. 22nd February 2015

Stu is getting into the habit of bringing me flowers every now and then....I loved these he brought me....Such a beautiful colour!

54/365. 23rd February 2015

Becky has became a big fan of watching the SacconyJoly's the YouTube family who put a new video up every day.....I don't mind her watching them....I watch them and there are worse things to watch on YouTube!

55/365. 24th February 2015

 We tried out a Baker Days cake....I resisted the urge to eat it all and I saved some for the kids to try after school....Ellie loved it!

56/365. 25th February 2015

My girls can play nicely together! Miracles happen!

57/365. 26th February 2015

An exciting delivery and the day I actually found out my postman is called Pat!! hahaha! It really made me giggle. I am easily amused.

58/365. 27th February 2015 

I got a letter from Big Fish Games.....About card details being stolen.....I was affected by this.....At least now I know where the fraud came from.....I have been paranoid since that it was something on my computer which caused it....A big sigh of relief her.


  1. Looks like a great week, flowers and chocolate... can't ask for more.. oh wait... cake too!! Lovely... the colour of the flower is stunning.

  2. That flower is lovely, there are some interesting flowers around to buy now. mmmm.....easter egg already, nothing beats easter egg chocolate!

    1. I know....Such a pretty colour.
      Thank you!

  3. I am rather jealous that you have had an easter egg! i want one!

  4. Lovely photos Kim :),
    Love the colour of your flower,
    and Easter eggs are just too tempting aren't they!, I have some upstairs and I swear i'm going to attack them soon lol! x

    1. Thank you! I keep putting the easter eggs upstairs but they never last more than a couple of days lol x

  5. Lovely photo's from the week, I hope the fraud issue is sorted soon.

    1. It is.....I got the money back a few weeks ago and now I know what caused it. Phew x

  6. Gorgeous flowers! Your postman called Pat made me giggle!

    1. hehehe! Thank you!
      Its the little things which seem to amuse me. lol x

  7. We started ahem sampling the Easter eggs too, for the purposes of research purely. :) What a bummer re stolen card details. What flavour cake did you have?

    1. hehehe....We've been sampling them for weeks. Would be rude not to with them being so cheap!
      We had chocolate :D

  8. was an advert for 2 eggs for £1.50 the other day, goodness knows how they manage to make and ship them for that price. Love the colour of the flowers, what a nice hubby you have.
    Lol at the comment over the 2 girls playing together.
    Hope you dont have any further hassles over the big fish incident.

    1. There probably was....I know I have been paying about a pound or two for proper Easter eggs these last few weeks....
      Thank you!
      I think the Big Fish drama is over with.....They don't have my new card details and I won't be using them again.

  9. An Easter Egg already.... great idea!!

    1. Oh yes....hehehe
      Never too early for Easter eggs x

  10. Oh, those flowers are beautiful, what a gorgeous colour x

  11. Bravo - I have had one of those weeks this week where I am scraping in with a photo each day but no choices! Hurrah for playing together. How scary about the fraud and what a relief that it's identified, at least. My nephew is a huge fan of Postman Pat so will be excited to hear that he is really your postman!

  12. We got to try a Baker Days cake, they are really nice. I haven't heard of that youtube family, wondering if I should go and look into it. Glad you worked out where the fraud came from x
