Friday, 27 February 2015

Talking Codswallop!

My Word of the Week this week is....

There has been a lot of people talking Codswallop to me this week....

Someone has bullied me and tried to control me for years....A few months ago I started to fight back and stand up to them.....I was never rude but have told them a few home truths....This person has now decided the situation is too stressful to deal with.....What they fail to understand is that I've had years of it from them....Sleepless nights, cried so many tears and felt threatened by them....Now I have come out as the bad one because I am stressing the person out by telling them the truth! Utter codswallop! Ugh! Families!!

As well as that I have had a lot of phone calls for the person who lived in this house before us....We've lived here coming up 3 years I think now....It turns out she's had loans going back years and has stopped paying them recently....She never changed her phone number on the account! Oh joy! I had someone ring asking for her and I said she doesn't live here....They didn't believe me....They thought I was her! They told me to prove I wasn't....How was I meant to do that on the phone....They said they wanted my name, date of birth and National insurance number.....hahaha I was not telling them anything and hung up on them! They could have been anyone! What Codswallop!

It turns out that at Christmas I was given some bad advice from a government service.....I rang up on Wednesday to see how things were progressing and they gave me totally different advice and information! The money I should have been getting I'm not but it's not a big miss....I've never had it so it won't be missed!!

And my girls.....They have talked a lot of Codswallop! They are both learning French at school....Both at different stages and think if they talk gobbledygook with a French accent it works....Not quite! lol 

I've used the phrase "somewhere a village is missing its idiot" more than once this week!

The Reading Residence


  1. Love your outlook Kim, particularly on the money situation... sometimes its just not worth it.

    I had the exact same situation with a family member whereby as soon as I grew old enough to say what I really thought, it was me who was the bad one.... not the other way round... me the one who had changed... etc. Needless to say, we don't see that person at all now and that person doesn't feature in our life anymore and all the better for it.

    If I hear anyone talking rubbish over the weekend I'm going to tell them its CODSWALLOP too :-)

    Keep smiling!

    Jim (OneDadOneBlog)

    1. It's nice to know I am not the only one to go through things like this.....Until this week I thought I was!
      Thank you!

  2. I also try the random words with an accent trick for French. It does not go down well! Well done on dismissing all the codswallop :)

  3. Good word! Sorry you've had such a strange week though. xx

    1. Thank you! It's nothing much to worry about now....I feel better for having a rant about it x

  4. Well done on standing up to someone who trying to control you. I am in a similar situation and am fighting back verbally now and they don't like it one bit!! Tough luck! Have a fabulous week xx #wotw

    1. Good on you! People like that need to be stood up to! I have learned that now!
      Thank you x

  5. Good word, but what an annoying and frustrating week for you. I do hope next week is better and that the girls' French improves soon! Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  6. Sounds like a frustrating week! I hope you have a lovely weekend to make up for it! Well done you for standing up to that naughty person!

  7. It's a great word despite the irritating week you've just endured. Well done to you for sticking up for yourself and not allowing anyone to control you. Here's hoping for better things next week x

  8. Do you know, I actually had to google the word! :) Yes, I definitely agree with you, it's definitely codswallop! Well done for standing up for yourself and don't let that other person ever get you down again ;) As for the rest, could you change your number? I can imagine the stress from getting all those horrible phone calls! Hope there's no more "codswallop" next week :) #wotw.

    1. hehehe....It's a word I use all the time. I've done one better than changing my number.....I have found the woman on Facebook and told her to update her details or I will tell them her mobile number....She had it on her FB account. very silly! Thank you x

  9. Well done you Kim for finding the strength to stand up to that person, leave them to talk codswallop to themselves!.
    I hope you have a great weekend and may next week be an awesome one :) x

    1. Thank you! I feel so much better for it...
      You have a great weekend too x

  10. sounds to me like you've had a bit of an epiphany this week! Whoever it is, that's upsetting you, can piddle off! As for the french, they could be speaking french and it would still be codswallop to me, always wanted to learn, never did lol xx

    1. Yes I have....That's a word I could have used....hehehe They can and I think they have.....I may be speaking too soon but last time I spoke with them I had the last word and they haven't been back again!
      Thank you!

  11. Great word to sum up your week! So glad you finally stood up to the bully. Hate being messed about with over the phone, so sorry you've had so much crap. I hope next weeks a better one for you x

  12. What a great word, it does always make me chuckle it is such a funny sounding word. I hate getting phone calls for other people, I often get them for the person who had my phone number before, I transferred it from our rented house so I've had the number for about 7 years now! Hope next week is a better week xx #WotW

  13. I love the word codswallop, its definitely not used enough :D

    1. I know! It should be used a lot x

  14. Well I think it's a great word, and you can say it with such gusto. It's meaning isn't so great though and hope you're ok #wotw x

  15. Love that word! Good that you've kept your sense of humour :)

  16. Thank you! It's a good reminder yo see the lighter side and keep smiling, going through a very tough time at the mo and I've been clinging to my sense of humour desperately, the tide will tun I'm sure! Take care

  17. What a great word for the week, sorry it means it was a bit of a stressful one. Families can be fun can't they! I also got some wrong advice from the government, always nice! Sorry for my late comment x
