Saturday, 14 February 2015

Project 365 - Week 7

I've noticed since I have started doing Project 365 the weeks seem to be flying over even more than they usually do....I can't wait until next week....It's half term and I'm looking forward to a bit of a break from the normal school day routine.....I'm just hoping it doesn't fly over!!

38/365. 7th February 2015

I reviewed some Fajita products and even Eddie the Teddy had to have a try.....They went down a treat!!

39/365. 8th February 2015

On Sunday we all watched Big Hero 6 off the Showbox app on my phone....Such a brilliant film. The girls loved it and I did too....

 40/365. 9th February 2015

Becky had her cookery lesson at school and made Stir fry....It smelt so good and tasted brilliant!! I was only allowed one noodle as she had the rest for tea....

41/365. 10th February 2015 

After writing a post about Carbon Monoxide poisoning I was sent a Carbon Monoxide detector....It has been put up and is now keeping my family safe!

 42/365. 11th February 2015

We had O2 as our internet provider until last year when Sky bought them out and took over....Our internet has been dodgy....We pay for 20 mega whatsits and were only getting about 8 or 9 at the most.....We have complained lots of times and finally spoke to someone who came up with an answer! We needed a new router (we still had the O2 one)....They sent us a proper Sky one free of charge and I'm glad to say we are now getting 17 mega whatsits most of the time which is nearly double what we had been getting!! Hooray!!

43/365. 12th February 2015
Becky needed a filling at the dentists and needed an injection to numb one side of her mouth....It's the first time she has had one and the photo is her trying to give a full smile....Bless her....She was very brave!!

44/365. 13th February 2015

Ellie had her Valentine disco at school and it was non-uniform so along with her party dress she wanted fancy hair....Considering I have two girls I am rubbish at doing hair but I think I did well....


  1. Aside from the filling, it sounds like it was a good week for you all. Must be amazing to get the Internet working as it should. My computer is really slow at the moment but I really need a new one! Hope the Valentine disco goes well!

    1. Thank you...It was a great week.
      The disco was brilliant! :D

  2. We have that very carbon monoxide tester! Stir fry looked great too. What a week.

  3. That stir fry looks very yummy and I love Ellie's hair! :-)

  4. Love Ellies hair - I am so glad I have boys - I can barely do my own!!

  5. Oooh the fajitas look yummy, even teddy looks like he's enjoying it :-) poor Becky, bless her, fillings are awful x

    1. Thank you! Becky is a trooper......She was fine the next day :D

  6. Great photo's from the week, tonight I was introduced to whatever Big Hero 6... I am yet to find out more about it but shall be doing so soon.

  7. Great hairstyle, love the plaits.

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.

  8. My son watched Big Hero 6 at the weekend too and loved it! I think you have done a great job with your daughter's hair, I really need to start practicing!

  9. I was never any good at doing my daughters hair, but that looks fine to me.
    We get a whopping 6 mb download speed here, but only with BT, when we were with sky we got a quarter of a meg....
    Love how children always want to eat what they make at school and not share it.

    1. Eek! 6mb is not too good at all.....
      Thank you x

  10. Love Ellies hair, you did a good job. The stir fry looked delicious, hopefully she will make it for you all again, with enough for everyone!!

  11. I'm with you, this year is flying by but my mum says when I say that its a sigh I'm getting older!
    I do like the hair do, my daughter would love it. She can be a pain if I try to tie her hair back so will be showing her this style.

    1. It must be a sign of getting older....hehehe
      Thank you x
