Since Ellie has been born she has always been a worry to us....Not a problem for us, I wouldn't change a thing about her but a problem for other people who have had to deal with all her medical conditions....You should see the size of her medical folder at the hospital. hehehe
Last week she had us worrying again when stopped eating at home after a healthy eating topic at school she took it to heart and just refused to eat....Thankfully she is eating again but it reminded me about how much stressing we have done over her over the years......

Last week she had us worrying again when stopped eating at home after a healthy eating topic at school she took it to heart and just refused to eat....Thankfully she is eating again but it reminded me about how much stressing we have done over her over the years......
The two main real diagnosed issues she has is with her heart and her ear...
When she was a day old and we were still in hospital a trainee doctor came to check on her and noticed a problem with her heart.....For a couple of hours I was worried....The trainee doctor was ignored by his senior and it was only years later we found out she had a heart defect after she jammed her fingers in a door.....She needed open heart surgery and has been left with a bent finger....
Since Ellie went for her newborn hearing test we have known she had problems with her hearing....Over the years she gradually lost the hearing she did have in the bad ear and now completely deaf in it...
Ellie has had plenty of other issues in her short life (She's 8).... Someone looking on would just say I am a worrying mother but most of her problems have been referred to specialists from our health visitor, nursery or school.....Not me.
When she was a few months old our health visitor picked up the her feet were facing outwards.....When she said it we did notice it too....We were referred to the hospital....By the time we got an appointment she was crawling and the problem had sorted it's self out....Which then brought us another worry when Ellie started walking.....She wouldn't walk outside. In the house was fine but when we took her outside she wouldn't stand or walk. She would sit on the floor and scream. Obviously when I mentioned it to the health visitor she stopped and walked fine outside....
Ellie has had plenty of other issues in her short life (She's 8).... Someone looking on would just say I am a worrying mother but most of her problems have been referred to specialists from our health visitor, nursery or school.....Not me.
When she was a few months old our health visitor picked up the her feet were facing outwards.....When she said it we did notice it too....We were referred to the hospital....By the time we got an appointment she was crawling and the problem had sorted it's self out....Which then brought us another worry when Ellie started walking.....She wouldn't walk outside. In the house was fine but when we took her outside she wouldn't stand or walk. She would sit on the floor and scream. Obviously when I mentioned it to the health visitor she stopped and walked fine outside....
Ellie was also diagnosed with Duane Syndrome....It basically means some of the muscles in her eye don't work properly and one of her eyes doesn't turn out properly.....It doesn't affect her day to day life and her eyesight is just perfect. The doctors were pretty clueless about this syndrome as it's very rare....So rare that up until a few days ago I didn't know anyone who had it then I read about Something Crunchy Mummy's son....
She was late to sit up and walk....I did go to the health visitor about this...She decided about a week after the heath visitor visits to do what she was supposed to do....Grr!
Nursery picked up that Ellie's speech wasn't as it should be.....We were referred to the hospital where they had their speech therapy....It was a big waste of their time....Her speech was apparently fine although she still had speech therapy for a couple of years just to make sure....
We had big issues with Ellie being toilet trained.....I still say it was because I had to rush her out of nappies when she started nursery.....She used to wet herself up until the middle of last year.....We had been to the doctors and she was put on tablets for a short time and they worked but it wasn't a long time solution.....As soon as the tablets wore off she was back to wetting herself....What we found was strange was she never wet the bed. She would wake in the night to go to the toilet...We got referred to the hospital about her accidents and by the time we had waited a few months for the appointment she had got the hang of going to the toilet....
Last summer Ellie's teacher thought she had some sort of behavioral problem.....The school was hinting at something like ADHD. She was being a little terror at home and at school and was again referred to a clinic at the hospital....I had noticed a pattern in this behaviour. It only happened at the end of the school year....Off we went to the hospital and school nurse said she was fine....Nothing at all for us to worry about....She was just being a naughty child....
It has got to the point now where Stu and I now know everything with Ellie is just a phase....She will grow out 95% of the issues she has. I really need to stop comparing her to other kids in her class as she is nearly a year younger than most of them.....She was born on the 29th of August. So if I had have had my c-section two days later she would have been in the year below and the oldest in the class instead of the youngest.....Why didn't I think of that at the time. lol
I love my little pudding to bits and I really wouldn't want her any other way.....We are now starting to realise it's just Ellie being Ellie....She does everything in her own time and her own way....
Crikey,seems so unfair that a kid should have so many different challenges!Maybe when she's older she could have a Cros system to help get her hearing in her bad ear.I'm more or less deaf in one and I struggled at school.Was never offered any help and it's only now I'm and adult I've got a hearing aid and it makes a massive difference xx
ReplyDeleteThey have said there is nothing they can do for her hearing...Such a shame. Maybe in the future they will discover something and she could get a hearing aid.
DeleteKids are always a worry aren't they. It sounds like Ellie has had a rough time so far health wise and is just used to having attention when things aren't right. It's a good sign that she manages to work things through though and nothing worse has been discovered. xx
ReplyDeleteShe is such a trooper...Thank you!
DeletePoor love sounds like she has been through it but good that they found the heart defect even if it took a bent finger to get it sorted! Hope things pick up for her and you x
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteShe's had a lot to deal with, as have you, and she's still so young. And yes the gap at this age within the year at school is huge - sounds like she always gets there when she's good and ready! X
ReplyDeleteI hope everything is behind her now...She is amazing and just deals.
DeleteThank you!
I always find it incredible how big the age gap is at school - my brother is an August baby - and he seemed so much younger than everyone else in his year. It seems like Ellie has had more than her fair share of stuff to deal with, but it sounds like you have all done so well to get through it!
ReplyDeleteIt makes so much difference but she just gets on with things.
DeleteI am so proud of her. Thank you!
Sounds like you've been though a lot, sometimes I think public health visitors can be too quick to refer on "problems" too that should just be left to sort themselves out in time. Hope your next chapter gets a little easier!
ReplyDeleteYes! They are so quick to refer, especially in Ellie's case. Referring for the minor things and totally missing her heart defect which you could hear with a stethascope.
DeleteThank you!
A child with that much determination, be it beating issues she's faced with or just annoying you after the HV has visited lol, is a child with a bright future ahead! xx
ReplyDeleteAww! Thank you! This nearly made me cry. She certainly is determined.
DeleteOh bless her, she certainly has had way more that her fair share of things to deal with. She definitely sounds like she does things in her own way and glad to hear that most of these concerns eventually pass.
ReplyDeleteThank you! She is such a trooper...
DeleteWow she is a brave little girl but ahe has you to support we so she is so lucky. Xx