Friday, 4 March 2016

We've had the Flu... #WotW

Last weeks Word of the Week was Sick.....This weeks word isn't much better....

This week my Word of the Week is:
This is going to mostly be a woe is me post but this is how the week has gone....

Over the weekend Stu started with a really nasty cough.....Then he had a temperature, then achy bones, then the shivers and now he's on the mend....On Tuesday morning I woke up far too early coughing.....Oh joy! Since then I have coughed so much my throat is sore and so are my ribs and back...There have been times when I have made myself sick from coughing....I am shivery one minute and hot the next....Yesterday the snot started....Ugh! Coughing and sneezing at the same time is no fun at all....I have been losing my voice and the kids think this is just I have been drinking plenty of water which is making me go to the toilet a lot...Usually just when I have got warm and comfy....Ugh! I really haven't been this ill for years....

Becky went to get her braces fixed on Monday and they decided to tighten them too....She was in pain so there was a lot of moaning from her....Especially when I said she had to go straight to school after her appointment. They did say she will probably have them off by the end of the year so that's a good thing....Becky came in from school last night with a sore throat and aching. By the time she went to bed she was coughing and had a temperature....She's staying off school today....I know how rough I have felt so sending her would just be cruel....

I think the only person not to moan or be ill this week has been Ellie....She is as fit as a fiddle.

It hasn't all been bad though....

Last Friday I won a World Book Day costume over on Twitter and I chose the Where's Wenda costume for Ellie! She LOVED it! I did too....She looked so cute! I think she had the best costume in her class....hehehe

Easter is coming! I had a PTA meeting at school about organising a Easter egg hunt....It's going to be fab.....We also have been sent a fab box of Easter crafts from Baker Ross that needs doing soon so that will be something for us to do over the weekend!

British Gas text me to say they needed to speak to me about my account.....I rang them and it turns out they didn't have a clue why I received the message.....They did put us on a priority list in case our electricity ever goes off, they fix ours before those not on the list because of my girls heart defects. I personally think I just confused them by paying the bill a week early....hehehe

It's Mothers day on Sunday....Stu can't get the day off work but has said the girls and him have a few surprises for me....I hope all you mothers have a wonderful day.....Sending big hugs to those who have lost children and those who's mothers are no longer with us.

The Reading Residence


  1. Oh dear, the flu sucks. I hope you and Becky enjoy a chilled out day and that you both feel better soon.
    Well done on your win too! Ellie looks ace in her Where's Wenda costume :) xx

    1. We slept most of yesterday and thankfully we both feel a bit better today. It has been a hard week.

  2. So sorry to hear how poorly you have been, I really hate the flu. I've got the Little Man off today with a sore throat and temperature, I hope he doesn't get any worse. That Where's Wenda costume is fantastic, well done :)

    1. Oh no! I hope your Little Man is feeling better soon!
      Thank you x

  3. Hope you all feel better soon hon. Love the costume xx

  4. Oh goodness.. I hope everyone feels better soon. The costume looked great!

  5. Oh no, not nice at all. I do hope you're all on the up now and that Ellie manages to avoid it. She looks fab! x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. She has so far and we are all slowly starting to feel better. Thank you!

  6. Oh no! Sounds like you all had a really rough week - hope you are feeling better now! xxx #wotw
