Monday, 14 March 2016

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Last weeks meal plan almost all went to plan.....We cheated and got a takeaway on Friday. We tried Domino's again. In the past we have had a couple of bad experiences but all is now forgiven. The food was delivered quickly and everything was perfect.....I even ended up having the leftovers for my tea on Saturday night....hehehe

This week on the Menu we have:

Monday - Chicken curry, rice and naan bread....
Wednesday - Chicken pie, mash and veg....
Thursday - Fruity Prawn Fried Rice....
Friday - Fish fingers, chips and beans....
Saturday - Burgers in buns with salad....
Sunday - A fry up....Sausages, bacon, hash browns, mushrooms, tomatoes, beans & toast...

As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky....


  1. God that pizza looks so good, I think I like it even better the next day.Sounds like a tummy week especially the pie xx

    1. It was amazing. I like it better the next day too. hehehe

  2. We had Dominos on Saturday, I just couldn't be bothered to cook. Then yesterday we had Gammon and potato daphninous, but I got away with cooking again as the other half did it all...ah being an invalid has it's advantages sometimes ;) I like the sound of your fruity prawns and rice. We are going to have chicken curry sometime this week too.

    1. Oh yum! The gammon sounds delicious.
      Thank you!

  3. I love reading these posts. How do you do breakfast and lunches? I always struggle to get everyones 5 (or should that be7?!) a day in.

    1. The girls usually have toast or cereal for breakfast. The kids have school lunches and I pick out of the fridge or have soup. They always have a snack after school. I try to feed them fruit but they don't always want it. lol.

  4. And now I'm feeling really hungry after being virtuous & only having salad for lunch! Have a great week, Kim x

  5. Love a dominos! Your meals sound yummy and super comforting. I am finding myself craving lighter meals now the nights are getting lighter. :)

  6. I am glad that you had a better experience this time! The fruity prawn fried rice sounds delicious, I'll be popping over to have a look. Hope you have a good week x

    1. It was perfect...
      I can't wait for the rice. I'm quite tempted to have a swap around to have it earlier. hehehe

  7. I could quite happily eat all your meals, they sound perfect and ones my boys would eat too! We love domino's so glad you have had a better experience this time x

    1. Thank you! I choose meals that I know my girls will eat. I can't be doing with arguments round the dinner table. hehehe
