Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Proud of my little baker....

On Friday when I was having a sick day Stu took Ellie to school and on the way she came up with the idea of making me a cake for Mothers Day....She came up with the idea of a cake with green grass, flowers and mini eggs on top....She let Stu know what she needed so he could add it to the shopping order....

She asked Becky if she wanted to help but Becky still wasn't too well with the flu and didn't want to spread her germs into the cake. Very sensible of her....

Ellie got her apron and was ready to bake. As it was a sandwich cake Stu made the first half just to show her what to do and she made the second half all by herself....

It was hilarious listening to them.....Ellie got rather bossy saying "Mam doesn't do it like that", "Mam does it this way", "Just let me do it, Mam would"! 

Ellie didn't need any help at all with making the cake....The only help she needed was with putting it in the oven and getting it out....She did the usual thing of sitting in front of the oven waiting for it to bake....hehehe

When they were cooked Ellie waited patiently for them to cool and then we remembered we had no icing sugar....Oops. They had to take a trip to Asda to get some and Ellie needed more decorations.... 

When they got back it was on with decorating it. Jam was put in the middle and this is where Stu failed at taking photos....He will never be a blogger....hehehe

Ellie came up with a great idea of adding desiccated coconut to the icing to make it look like grass. She's so clever at times. They used Mini eggs and flower decorations to decorate the cake and I think it looked fantastic.

I was so proud that my girl came up with such a thoughtful idea for Mothers day....She knows how much a love cake so it was perfect and it tasted delicious too....


  1. What a brilliant cake! I sometimes make myself a cake for Mother's Day if we're at home, can't wait until the children can make one for me!

  2. What a lovely idea! That cake looks yummy and how great that she decided to take control and do it all herself. :)

    1. She really is lovely and so thoughtful at times.
      Thank you!

  3. Oh, that is so lovely of her and it looks absolutely brilliant! Well done, Ellie! x

    1. It was fantastic! I am so proud of her.
      Thank you!

  4. Oh what a lovely thing to do for you.
    Ellie did a fantastic job, It looks amazing! :) xx

  5. Well done Ellie - that cake looks fantastic and sounds delicious. I love the idea of adding dessicated coconut to make the icing look like grass - will be using that one! Looks like Ellie did an amazing job and hope you are now feeling better too.
