Thursday, 3 March 2016

World Book Day 2016.

You either love or hate World Book Day....I am usually a hater. Yes I love my girls to read and a day to celebrate books is wonderful but it's the dressing up part I am not so keen on. I am useless at making costumes so my girls would usually go into school in princess dresses.

This year is different though....I was so lucky to win a costume from Party Delights over on Twitter. It solved all my problems and I have been looking forward to today...

Ellie chose her own costume and I was very happy with her choice. She went with the Where's Wenda costume. Everything was included. The top, skirt, tights and glasses. I think she only chose it because she remembered her favourite teacher last year wore it on the last World Book Day.....hehehe

I think she is going to have a fab day at school....

The other great thing about World Book Day is the book token Ellie will get from school....World Book Day along with schools all over the country will be handing out more than 14 million £1 World Book Day book tokens to children which they can exchange for a World Book Day book.....You can find your local participating book store and pick one up....

There is 10 books to choose from for children of all ages....

Kipper’s Visitor. - Pre School.

Kipper has a visitor – a slightly dirty gosling in need of a bath. But the gosling doesn’t say very much. ‘Honk!’ is about all he can manage! Created for World Book Day 2016 and starring the much-loved Kipper, this charming story follows Kipper and an adorable gosling through a bubbly bathtime.

Supertato to the Rescue. - Pre School.

It’s night-time in the supermarket and Supertato is on the hunt for the perfect bedtime story. But, what’s this…all the books have disappeared! It can only be the work of The Evil Pea! Can Supertato save the books? Will the supermarket ever get to sleep?  

Daisy and the Trouble With Jack. - KS1.

Daisy can’t believe it! Mrs Peters is making her sit next to Jack Beechwhistle – the naughtiest boy in the school, and possibly the whole world! Jack is so mad! Mrs Peters is making him sit next to Daisy Butters – she’s such an annoying tell tale! As the lesson goes on, Daisy and Jack think of more and more ways to get one up on each other. Then they both have a brilliant idea! Trouble is, Daisy and Jack might be more alike than they realised…A funny, mischievous and totally troublesome tale for girls and boys.

The Great Mouse Plot. - KS1.

You had the idea – so you can be the one to put the mouse in the jar.’  This is a true story. Every day the boy walks past a sweet shop filled with jars of delicious gobstoppers and sticky treacle toffees. But there is one terrible problem. The shop is owned by Mrs Pratchett, a skinny old hag with filthy finger nails. She is so mean that the boy decides to trick her – and he’s got the perfect plan…Did you know that this boy grew up to become the writer Roald Dahl?

Welcome to the World of Norm. KS2.

Norm knew it was going to be one of those days when he woke up to find a half-Polish Cockapoo sat on his head. But that’s OK. Because at least there’s biking with his best friend Mikey to look forward to. Or at least there was until Norm discovers he has to stay in and wait for some stupid parcel to arrive. Just as well he hasn’t got two irritating little brothers and the world’s most annoying next door neighbour. Oh wait a minute. He has.

Star Wars: Adventures in Wild Space. KS2.

When their parents are captured by the evil Galactic Empire, brother and sister Milo and Lina Graf must set out on an epic quest to free them. Menaced by Imperial agents, bounty hunters, and gangsters, they will have to travel across the galaxy uncovering clues to rescue their parents and aid the Rebellion in the fight against the Empire…

Harper and the Sea of Secrets. KS2.

The Songs of the Sea festival is about to start, but disaster has struck! The royal musicians will be performing, but all their instruments have disappeared! Harper and her friends use the flying umbrella to come to the rescue, and that very night they start hearing beautiful music coming from Melody Bay. Will they have the courage to walk along the pitch-black smugglers’ tunnels passing under the sea to find out who has stolen the instruments? A captivating adventure story all about friendship, creatures of the sea and magic.

The Boy Who Could Do What He Liked. - KS2.

Alfie has a routine. To be honest, he has a lot of routines. There’s the waking-up routine, the getting-dressed routine, the cleaning-his-teeth-in-the-morning routine, the getting-his-school-bag-ready-routine… and that’s all before 8:30am. But then one day Alfie’s usual babysitter is unavailable, and Alfie’s parents get Mrs Stokes instead. Mrs Stokes doesn’t do routines. Instead, she just tells Alfie to do what he likes. Over and over again. Eventually, Alfie decides to take her at her word. And that’s when things start to go weird. Does everything get out of control and Alfie learn his lesson and realise that routines are really quite important to stick to after all? Nah. This isn’t that kind of story…

Spot the Difference. - KS3.

An exclusive World Book Day story from UK Queen of Teen Juno Dawson. Avery has always suffered at the hands of the bullies, so when she’s given a seemingly-miraculous opportunity to join the ‘A-list’ she grabs at it with both hands. But appearances can be deceiving, and soon Avery’s not so sure she likes this new version of herself. And it’s only by overcoming her fears that she can learn the true meaning of being comfortable in your own skin.

Kindred Spirits by Rainbow Rowell. - KS3.

Everybody likes everything these days. The whole world is a nerd.’ ‘Are you mad because other people like Star Wars? Are you mad because people like me like Star Wars?’‘Maybe.’
If you broke Elena’s heart, Star Wars would spill out. So when she decides to queue outside her local cinema to see the new movie, she’s expecting a celebration with crowds of people who love Han, Luke and Leia just as much as she does. What she’s not expecting is to be last in a line of only three people; to have to pee into a collectible Star Wars soda cup behind a dumpster or to meet that unlikely someone who just might truly understand the way she feels.

If you’d prefer, you can use your book token to get £1 off any full price book instead! The World Book Day Book Tokens are valid from Monday 29 February–Sunday 27th March 2016.

Do you love or hate World Book Day?
What did your children dress up as today?


  1. She looks fab! I didn't know about the book token. I am off to look in Bob's book bag to see if she has one. xx

  2. That is a fab costume! She looks brilliant x

  3. Ah that outfit is great, I bet she had a fabulous day at school. LP dressed up as Spiderman - he's fixated with comics at the moment! :)

    1. She had a great day! Thank you!
      She's planning on wearing the outfit again and again. She loves it. lol
