Friday, 6 May 2016

A confusing week. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

Even though my word might imply my week has not been so good it has actually been fine....It has just left my head a little done

The confusion started on Saturday.....I received a card through the door saying I had a parcel to collect from the sorting office but I had to pay postage.....I wasn't going to pay but curiosity got the better of me....I paid online and had to wait until Wednesday for it to be delivered....When it arrived there was even more confusion. It was a prize from a competition that I had already There is perks to being a blogger....I managed to find the person who deals with the company and resolve the situation....

On Tuesday I received my child tax credit payment into my bank. I usually receive them on a Thursday....I just put it down to the bank holiday....Then on Thursday I received another payment for just a little less....I'm waiting to see if anything comes in the post today and if nothing does I will be giving them a ring....I haven't done the yearly renewal yet so it has left me a little confused....The extra money is nice but I really don't want to spend it in case they have made a mistake or it's a payment for next week....

I am totally lost with what day it is due to the Bank holiday....The kids are too....Tuesday felt like a Monday, Wednesday felt like a Tuesday and so on.....I do like a short week though...

It has been a good week....Becky had her braces tightened....It's coming to the point where most of her teeth and where they should be and she is finding the process less painful! Hooray!

Ellie had a great week at school....She is learning about the Romans and she is finding it so interesting which means she's working extra hard....

The Reading Residence


  1. All very confusing! The days off have thrown me out this week, too, though in a good way! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. It meant we got a shorter week...hehehe
      Thank you!

  2. oooh about the tax credits, I had the same and it's ok. I know they usually send a form but I've not received one either but they owed me a little from last year and this is usually paid in April...they must be running a little late this year. By all means call them if you are worried but they don't usually pay you money unless they mean to. Last year I remember filling in my form in June. In other news, it's good that Becky's teeth are coming along nicely and that Ellie is enjoying her school work.

    1. I rang and everything is OK. I was owed the money. lol
      Becky's teeth are coming along so well. Thank you!

  3. I have the whole what day is it issue to.....this week has really thrown me!! Hope you manage to get things sorted and have less of a confusing week :) Popping over from #WotW

  4. I use to had barces before I got here and now the spaces are back. Its really like that! At the start everything is painful and then you will get use to it till its doesnt hurt at all!

    So many confusing things happening for you! I guess people are still dizzy from the last holidays!


    1. Oh no! That's such a shame your spaces have came back...
      Thank you!

  5. I hope you get the child tax issues sorted and I hope it is extra money for you ;)
    I'm glad to hear your daughter's teeth are coming on with the braces.
    Isn't it great that your daughter is really enjoying her schooling and enjoying the subject it makes life so much easier.

    I took get confused about the days with the bank holiday X #wotw

    1. It was extra money! Hooray!
      Her teeth are doing so well...
      It does make it easier when she is interested in school. Thank you!

  6. Aww really feel for your daughter with regards braces. Glad to hear that some of the confusion got sorted out, hope the rest works out for you. #WotW

    1. She is doing so well with them...
      Thank you!

  7. Bank holidays always throw me too - I can never work out what day it is for the next few days afterwards! So glad that Becky's teeth are getting less painful and Ellie learning about the Romans sounds interesting.

    1. Thank you! I am finally back to knowing what day it is. Phew.

  8. Hi Kim,there has certainly been some confusion in your life this week. Fingers crossed the extra money wasn't a mistake and that you get to keep it!


  9. Shorter weeks are definitely confusing, I never seem to know what day it is. In fact I'm pretty sure four day weeks are actually longer! Hope you're having a less confusing week this week x
