Saturday, 21 May 2016

A photo everyday for a year! #Project366 - Week 20

Another week of photos....Ice cream featured a lot this week. Ellie is fighting fit again and the weather has been a bit nicer....Well apart from a few showers.

135/366 14th May.
I stocked the freezer with ice lollies....

136/366 15th May.
A normal Sunday for Becky. Lots of time on her tablet.

137/366 16th May.

138/366 17th May.
On her way to school. Rocking the hat!

139/366 18th May.
Birds eye breakfast waffles for dessert! They taste so good.

140/366 19th May.
Bacon sandwiches for breakfast. A great way to start the day.

141/366 20th May.
She is making a start on her homework. Making a fort and part of Hadrian's Wall....


  1. Loving all of the lollies! My kiddies have been asking for them more now it is nicer so I also stocked up this week. Ooooh those waffles look amazing! Hope you have a lovely weekend xx

    1. We have been having one every day after school when the sun is shining. hehehe

  2. Glad Ellie is feeling better. The breakfast waffles look amazing. There's definitely an ice cream theme going on this week!

  3. Can't beat a week with lots of lollies and ice-cream! Those breakfast waffles look very yummy too :-)
