Monday, 23 May 2016

The finished craft project....

Ellie had a craft project to do as part of her homework....In all her years at school she's only ever had written homework or to draw a picture.

She had to make part of Hadrian's wall and one of the forts.....She could make it out of anything. Lego was suggested but I didn't want her taking our Lego to school for it to go missing....

I shared the start of the project as My Sunday Photo yesterday and here is the finished piece of work!

Obviously she had a bit of help (mostly from Stu) but she did do most of it herself....

The bricks on the wall were the fiddliest and messiest part. We used cotton wool but I think the wall looks great!

The living room has been filled with crafty things all weekend but it's done now and I am very impressed with it...

The weather was perfect for carrying it to school...I hope her teachers likes it as much as we do....

Pink Pear Bear


  1. That is brilliant! Well done Ellie

  2. Wow!!!! Seriously, that is brilliant. I absolutely cannot wait for these types of homeworks. So fun! I bet the teachers were blown away. :) #bigpinklink

    1. I thought so too....hehehe It was such a fun project x

  3. Ah I love it - Ellie should feel really proud of it x

    1. She was. She was so chuffed. Thank you! :D x
