Thursday, 19 May 2016

My biggest regret...

I don't have many regrets in life but one I do have is not passing my driving test.....

When I was nearly 17 years old I started having driving lessons from my dad.....We drove around a industrial estate on a weekend when it was quiet....I did quite well. I could change gears and not stall the car...I was heading in the right direction so to speak....I think I was doing quite well considering I was learning in a Morris Traveller. A car which was way older than me at the

On my 17th birthday I was bought an old Vauxhall Astra and some L plates....I was legally allowed to drive on the roads. My dad took me out and I did OK....Not as well as I was driving around the industrial estate but there I knew I was safe....There weren't any traffic lights, roundabouts or other cars moving!! Eek!

I drove whenever I got the chance....There were a few moments that stick in my head. The time when I saw my friend and waved and totally forget I was in control of a car and nearly went off the road....Oops and the time when my dad asked me to pull in the side of the road and I drove up the kerb....Nearly into a lamp post....Oops. My dad shouted, I

I don't know why I stopped driving....When I wasn't at college I was seeing my boyfriend...I just didn't find the time to drive...Nearly crashing into a lamp post certainly didn't help the situation but I don't think that was why I stopped....I wasn't a confident driver. If there were no other cars on the road I would have been fine I think but that isn't going to happen....

It wasn't until I moved up to Northumberland that I realised I regretted not passing my driving test....When I lived in Stockton and Thornaby there were plenty of buses and trains just minutes walk from where I lived and all my family were nearby....

When I met Stu he didn't drive but did have some lessons then the girls got diagnosed with their heart problems and all the spare money went on bus fares too and from the hospital.....He was going to start his lessons again then we moved house and that ate up all our savings....

It's come to the point now where one of us is going to have to think about driving....Most likely Stu as I get road rage when I'm just a passenger in a

I sometimes imagine what it would be like having a car....

We would be able to go and visit my dad in Scunthorpe instead of spending over £140 on train fares....We could also go and see my Aunty J for the day....She would be overjoyed to see the kids more....

We could go on spur of the moment days out....In the summer picking the kids up from school and just going to the beach would be amazing....

Any hospital appointments we have would not take two hours to get there like they do now by bus....I reckon the drive would take about 40 minutes at the most.

We could use different supermarkets like Morrison's and not rely on Tesco delivering. We could even go and do our Christmas shopping at the Metrocentre and not have to worry about travelling back in the cold and dark...

We wouldn't get soaked on the school run and in the winter we wouldn't have to freeze in the snow and wind....

Life could be so different.....


  1. Go for it!

    I didn't learn til I was 28 and was one of the last of my friends who passed as they all learned to drive at 17.

    The older you get the harder it is but it's so worth it. Even now I'm not a very confident driver but I love having my little Betty Blue (yes I named my car haha!) and the freedom to go places.

    It is scary but you can do it.

    Good luck!

  2. Wow, I can't imagine not being able to drive. I'm not madly keen on it and I'm not a particularly good driver, but it certainly makes life easier. I hope one of you is able to take the plunge soon!

  3. I bought my 1st car as soon as I turned 17, but it stood on the drive for over 2 years because at the time my boyfriend drove and was like my chauffeur. When I was pregnant with Osh my Mam made me try for my test (three times until I passed) but I am so glad that she did.

    Go for it - you'll be so glad you did! xxx

  4. I miss driving so much :( I didn't pass my test until I was 32, until then my ex had been the driver and he insisted I didn't learn because he didn't want me to have that freedom. As soon as he left I started lessons and I never thought I'd get the hang of it, but I passed first time!! I've rarely been without a car since so I was heartbroken when the took my car away in February. Now my partner is learning to drive because we miss the convenience of a car....and I'm determined to get behind the wheel again one day by whatever means. So I say go for it, it's never too late and although it's scary at first you do get used to it. If money is a problem then let Stu do it first and you can learn later...just don't give up on it. xx

  5. Learning to drive was definitely one of the best things I ever did. I passed when I was still 17. I'm not hugely confident when I don't know where I am going, but I can do it. It's never to late hon, you should give it a go. I hope you do. Hugs xx

  6. I think you should go for it Kim and learn to drive - it does give you more freedom. I can sympathise with not being a confident driver though - I had such a bad experience with my driving lessons when I was 17 that it took me seven years to get up the courage to try again and even then I nearly quit a second time. The only thing that kept me going was switching to an automatic and when I finally did take my test, I managed to pass first time! I'm still not the most confident driver in the world (especially at night) but it does make life so much easier being able to drive. Good luck if you do decide to start driving lessons xx

  7. I dont drive either and I hate being stuck indoors when my other half is at work. I am lucky that I can get a bus to Newcastle or the beach really quickly but it is such a chore with two little ones. I keep meaning to learn but like you something always crops that uses are savings. I have decided that once we move I am going to start driving lessons. I really should as my dad works for AA & would buy me a car and sort anything car related out for me so it would be cheap enough xx
