Sunday, 1 May 2016

Card Sharks - #MySundayPhoto

Becky has been playing cards at school in her break time....She bought a pack of cards with her pocket money earlier in the week and has since been asking for everyone to play so that's what happened yesterday morning....

I know people don't agree with gambling but it was just a little fun, playing for coppers and the girls were improving their number skills....



  1. That's a fab photo Kim - I remember playing for coppers a few times as a child and it was so much fun :-)

  2. Nothing wrong with a little competitive card-playing. As you say, it helps with their numeracy and it teaches them to both win and lose with good grace.

  3. We play card games with coins all the time! Especially at Ross' parents. I definitely think that it has helped Grace's counting. Lovely photo :) #MySundayPhoto

  4. Oh my kids love to play 21 with 2p pieces and take it very seriously. I'm sure they would play with more if we let them. Cards are great fun and so easy to pack for traveling too. #MySundayPhoto

  5. It looks like fun! I don't see any harm at all in letting kids play cards for coppers. I remember doing it as a child, but we've never done it with our kids. I think I should give it a go, it might keep them away from screens for a while!

  6. What a lovely photo Kim. I wouldn't call that gambling, they are having fun xx

  7. Great photo Kim, this looks great fun. Playing with real money always gets their attention and makes them think more doesn't it? I know my daughter does when she plays for money :)

  8. Hi Kim, we used to 'gamble' using matchsticks when we played 21 (looks like me and Fiona maybe of a similar age!). Love the pile of biscuits beside on of your daughters; now that's my kind of gambling!


  9. Card games are a great way to learn number skills, and what fun! Mine are still a little young, but we do have other card games that are easier to understand. I guess now would be a good time to introduce money!

  10. That looks like great fun, cards are great for helping number skills

    Thank you for linking up

  11. My brother and I used to love cards as children, I'm sure that's why we're both pretty good with numbers...although it didn't help our competitive nature. N doesn't quite get card games unless it's UNO which he loves, but I'm sure I'll teach him Newmarket when he's older - we used to play that with our Grandad for pennies until he realised he never won, then we switched to buttons.

  12. It's a great way to bring the family together Kim. I used to love doing this at home with family and friends. And yes, they're working on their basic number skills :)

  13. Aww what a lovely photo Kim. I used to love playing cards with my dad and my brother too.

  14. I don't think there's anything wrong with playing for pennies - it looks like fun!x #MySundayPhoto

  15. Aww that's looks like fun xx

  16. It does look like fun! I loved playing cards with my siblings when I was younger :-) Polly x #mysundayphoto

  17. That looks like fun lovely :) xxx

  18. I think my Z would love this right now as they are doing a lot of number at school. I might have to find a game like this for him!

  19. I can my kids having a great time playing this as well!

  20. Ha ha love it, our two love a game of cards too x

  21. I would play her for those biscuits! I think it looks like great family fun :) #MySundayPhoto

  22. That look like a lot of fun! We used to play a card game called Kings for sweets when I was little and we always had so much fun and could eat our winnings!!

  23. My mother is a proper card shark and this kept her mind so active! She was never forgteful! Card games is so amazing for your brain me thinks =) #mysundayphoto

  24. Nothing wrong with using coppers for a card game! Its good when kids pick up on something they like #MySundayPhoto

  25. Gambling for big money? ;) I remember playing for coppers as a child, all good fun #MySundayPhoto

  26. A group of us used to play cards at lunchtime at school, didn't do me any it was at that time I invented the crisp sandwich! Win win! So long ago now but good fun :)

  27. This looks like so much fun! We used to do this when I was little.
