Saturday, 3 December 2016

A photo everyday for a year! #Project366 - Week 48

It's December already! How did that happen. It means a year of Project 366, a photo every day for a year is coming to an end....This is my 2nd year taking part and so far this year I haven't missed a day yet! Go me!

Here are the photos from the past week....

331/366 26th November
Playing PLYT. One of the best board games we have played this year....

332/366 27th November
Just step away from the fridge. This kid does not stop eating!

333/366 28th November
I got a gorgeous book from The Works called Santa is coming to Northumberland....We love it. This page really made me smile....So nice to see actual places in Northumberland mentioned...

334/366 29th November
We had a lovely delivery of books.

335/366 30th November
Ellie convinced me to go to the park after school....It was freezing but she had a great time.

336/366 1st December
Ellie's teddy Monkey is getting in on the Elf action. hehehe

337/366 2nd December
We did some more crafts from Baker Ross....There will be a blog post later today....

1 comment :

  1. Very Christmassy photos this week! I had to smile at the fridge photo. I have two boys who won't stop eating, although one of them only manages small meals, but the other has massive meals and loads of snacks!
    Lovely delivery of books. My daughter and I are just reading Clover Moon now. We absolutely love Jacqueline Wilson!
