Monday, 10 July 2017

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

We ate everything last week apart from the Chicken fajitas which have been moved to today.....We had a BBQ instead. Food cooked on a BBQ always tastes nicer than cooked inside. When Ellie was poorly on Wednesday evening she didn't want soup. Only Turkey Dinosaurs would do. lol

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - Chicken fajitas.....
Tuesday - Mediterranean Salmon....
Wednesday - Mini turkey kievs and potato wedges.....
Thursday - Fry up. Sausages, bacon, egg, black pudding, mushrooms, beans and tomatoes....
Friday - Pizza....
Saturday - A stir fry of some sort....
Sunday - Roast chicken dinner....

What are you eating this week?


  1. I've just looked up your salmon recipe and it looks delicious, might have to try it myself (or get the kids to cook it) We had a BBQ this week too, it seems rude not to when the weather is so nice.

  2. I definitely need to start getting more organised and meal planning for the week. The mediterranean salmon sounds delicious xx

  3. Ohh those mini kievs are so nice I might have to go and get some(and some turkey dinosaurs). The salmon looks delicious too x

  4. We've got salmon on our meal plan too, I always forget what a great idea breakfast for dinner is (brinner) must do it more often.

  5. I agree BBQ food always tastes better - think its being outside that does it.

    I love those mini Kievs, need to get some for the kids to try!
