Saturday, 1 July 2017

A photo everyday for a year - Week 26 #Project365

Whooah, we're half way there....Halfway through the year! I keep saying it but this year is going way too quickly! It has been a rainy, wet week here....It feels more like Autumn than Summer at the moment....

Now for a photo every day....

174/365 - 24th June
Ellie has a new friend...

174/365 - 25th June
My fella and my girls...We went to the fair.

174/365 - 26th June
Becky was sent home from school after being sick....She is fine now.

174/365 - 27th June
Bargain cushions from Poundland. Only £1 each!

174/365 - 28th June
Ellie made sweet & sour chicken at school and was given a set of chopsticks.....She has been using them ever since to eat all her meals. lol

174/365 - 29th June
Wellies were needed on the school run....

174/365 - 30th June
I bought myself some flowers.


  1. Glad your girl is feeling better after being sick. Had to laugh at the chopsticks for every meal! I'm not bad with them, but usually get tired of using them towards the end of a meal.

    1. She's given up with the chopsticks now. I may have hid them. hehehe

  2. I love using chopsticks too, but I'm a bit out of practice. I need to get N some children's ones. Those cushions are a brilliant bargain.

  3. Glad that Becky is feeling better. Ellie looks very happy with her Lottie doll. I love that she is using chopsticks for every meal - I can imagine imagine it makes it quite slow though!

    1. Thank you.
      Oh yes, she was very slow at eating and messy too x

  4. I bought some of the cushions from poundland to use as inserts in my own covers

    1. They are such a bargain. Thank you x

    2. I was thinking the same I pay more than that for the new ones I use in my applique cushions.

  5. Never mastered chop sticks but I would imagine they make for a long meal time as I would think eating with them is quite slow.
    Hope you enjoyed the fair, and its nice to see them stroll of down the street together.

  6. I like your cushions , and love that they were a bargain! I have never managed to successfully use chop sticks but I enjoy having a go. Hope Becky was not ill for too long x
