Friday, 21 July 2017

The countdown for the holidays is on! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

At 1pm and quarter past my girls break up from school for the summer holidays and it can't come soon enough....We have been counting down all week.....

We seem to have had a rubbish end to the school year....Last week was the stress with the suspected ADHD with Ellie and this week Becky had a little drama at school with a boy coming onto this blog, taking and printing out photos of her and Ellie then having them at school.....I have since found out he had been bullying Becky along with another girl but what is confusing and very creepy is that the photos he took were just normal one's, nothing bad and they didn't really use the photos or my blog against her....They just had them.

I will have a blog post about it soon. I refuse to write an angry, ranty post....I will wait until I have calmed down. Becky is fine but it really made me think twice about posting photos of my girls online.....Becky said "why should they ruin our blog and our fun?". Some of her other friends who know about the blog are fine with it and think it's cool.....

Despite this the girls have had a great week at school....

Ellie has had a tea party for the headteacher who is retiring today, a disco, a film afternoon and has done a lot of colouring in.....Becky has been doing fun activities. They have mixed the year groups up and had them doing crafts which sounded fantastic and she has watched plenty of films too.....

I finally seem to be over the rotten cold I had....Stu had a full weekend off work so I could just rest which was what I needed....Last week I started watching Game of Thrones....I have tried in the past but couldn't get into it. This time I did. As of writing this I am onto the 5th series. hehehe Every spare minute has been spent watching it....

I am really looking forward to not having to deal with school things for just over 6 weeks....We have some things planned for next week. A bit of baking and we have some films to watch. Nothing really exciting but it will be nice to ease into the summer holidays. Stu is off work next week too so we might have a day out somewhere...I have no idea where yet. I think it depends on the weather....


  1. what a shame about the photos. but I agree with your daughter, if they are happy to have their picture on here then dont let them stop you.
    Hubby likes GOT but I have never tried it

  2. I'll be picking up my third child in less than an hour and the other two are already at home! The countdown is always exciting :)
    That is very creepy about the photo's and poor Becky being bullied. I guess that's something we have to think of when we write about our children and use their images. xx

  3. Becky sounds very grounded. I really hope the attention from the boy is not getting to her. My older two should be on their way home just about now. Normal time finish for youngest who tells me they are having normal lessons, including maths!Working them to the end. It will be good not to deal with school things. I am very much with you on that one! #wotw

  4. I cannot wait! Just another three hours for me and then school is out! Oh, I absolutely love Game of Thrones, glad you're enjoying it. I like Becky's attitude about the blog and that boy, she is spot on, I think x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  5. Printing off random photos of the children sounds rather a strange thing to do. Celebrities would see this as a great thing as they are being talked about. Sounds like your daughter has a good attitude and outlook to things but still being bullied is horrid. #WotW

  6. Becky has got a great attitude about the situation but it does give you pause for thought about how our blogs could potentially affect our kids in the future. I hope you all have a great relaxing holiday x #wotw

  7. To be fair, if they that intent on being horrible, they could get photos on facebook or even directly on their phones, but it is creepy. Focus on the holidays - six long weeks of no more drama hopefully ! xxx

  8. Your daughter sounds really level headed, why let them spoil it for you and your girls - if they are happy with it, don't let them get to you. Sounds a fab way to kick start the summer holidays X #wotw

  9. So sorry to hear about the boy at school printing photos of Becky. It sounds like she has a great response to it though and I think as long as they are happy with what you share on the blog, then it's okay but things like that do make you worry. Hope you are enjoying the summer holidays so far x #WotW
