Friday, 26 September 2014

A chill in the air....

This week my word has to be...

Autumn is here and I don't know about the rest of the country but up here in Northumberland it has been rather chilly....

It seems we've had a day of rain then a dry, sunny day then another day of rain and so on....

There is a chill in the air and so far I am resisting putting the heating on during the day.....You can find me sat under a fleecy One Direction blanket! (Don't hate We did give in and have it on for an hour the other night as it was so chilly and we just couldn't get warm after being caught in the rain coming home from school....Ellie and I were soaked but not as bad as Becky....She came in like a drowned rat! lol Hot chocolate was a must!!

It's playing havoc with me doing the washing.....I hate using the tumble dryer....Apart from the cost of it the only place we have space for out dryer is in my bedroom....Putting it on means I have to open the windows which leaves the bedroom so cold....

Boots have been brought out of the back of the cupboard and warmer coats are getting used more....There's a chill in the air and I can feel winter coming....


  1. It sure is getting colder hun, Autumn is slowly kicking in. Have a great weekend xx

  2. It certainly is getting colder, I am trying to hold off getting the jumpers out just yet x #WotW

    1. I've totally given I'm a wimp when it comes to being cold x

  3. I'm sorry but I am loving that it's getting colder, I was getting sick of looking like a pig in an oven LOL :) x #WotW

  4. Oh this in between weather is awful isn't it? This morning I went out in a thick cardigan because it seemed quite cold, but by this afternoon I had to take it off as I felt like I was melting! x

    1. I was like that this afternoon Wore a coat for the school run and soon regretted it.....

  5. It is definitely getting chilly now - snuggles under a fleecy blanket and hot chocolate sound like a nice way to try and resist the chill though x

  6. It is definitely getting colder, isn't it? I have dreams about heating the other day!

  7. There is definitely a chill in the air...gloves have been out for dog walks, and the electric fire has gone on more than once this week!

  8. It's definitely getting autumnal here, although it's bizarrely in the 80's today, despite the fact I had to put the heating on a couple of times last week! Fall in a New England equals crazy weather :) #WotW

  9. I'm more of a winter girl anyway as originally from Ireland and used to the cold/wet weather!! I do hate the short das but love to get my winter boots out and keep wrapped up :)
